1; The Village

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***SIDE NOT: play the song for the second half of the chapter***

3rd P.O.V.

The small town was brightly lit up with the flames that had engulfed the majority of the land of demons. The 10 tailed demon was running wild, ransacking villages, causing Chaos to any one or thing that crossed Its path. People ran wildly, trying to avoid the gaping jaws of the beast. Various Jounin, ANBU, and S-class ninjas were rushing in, trying various Ninjuitsu, Thaijutsu, and Genjutsu, trying anything to stop the beast. Luckily, The beast had stopped, almost as if it was tired. Thankfully the Various ninjas had a second to think.
"What the hell are we supposed to do?!"
"I don't know! Maybe We can trap it?!"
"Trap it? How!?"
"L-Like a jinchūriki!"
"A jinchūriki? Isn't that a little inhumane?
"Isn't watching your land be destroyed a little inhumane!?"
"Fine. Who is gonna be the host?"
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there."
They had all agreed on the plan, and had begun preparation for sealing the beast. they had all struggled fighting it, trying to either tire it or remove some of its chakra. Thankfully, one of the ANBU knew the Hokage-Style Sixty-Year-Old Technique — Kakuan Entering Society with Bliss-Bringing Hands Technique and was able to contain the beast. With its energy drained, they were all set to make the seal.
"Alright, We're at that bridge, who is gonna be the jinchūriki?"
"I... I don't know..."
"Well how about we pick someone that is not ill tempered and has good control of their chak-"
"What do you think this is?! We don't have any leisurely time to pick someone out!"
"Well what are we supposed to do? Pick a random person?"
"Looks like it..."
"What? You cant be serious!"
"We have no other choice!"

"Ten Tailed Beast Chakra Seal!"

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Everything was dark. It was like I had been engulfed in a dense dark cloud. Silently floating above the chaos below. I know I'm down there, in the center of it all, but my mind feels as if its far, far away. I hear people running by, yelling. but they sounds if they're miles away. Slowly, I felt as if my cloud was sinking, down to the ground. Soon I was actually in the middle of it all, but everything was still so distant. I felt a hand resting on my head, so i slowly opened my eyes, and in front of me was a blur of flames and a man kneeling beside me. The harder i looked the more of him came into focus. He was obviously wounded but had on a wiry smile. Blood slowly began to dribble out of the corner of his mouth but he leaned towards me. "I'm so sorry... Its h-had to be this way, kid... But, T-thank you... so much..." He coughed, violently spitting out blood, but reached out his other hand. "T-Take this... It will Help you, L-later on... I'm so sorry..." The man had a final coughing fit before collapsing to the ground, his hand open with a small pendant in the center of his palm. I slowly reached for it, but the closer my hand got, the more I ached all over. It hurt everywhere, but i had to take the pendant. Something was telling me i had to... So I reached forward and took it. I inspected it closely with the dim light there was. "W-wow, its beauifu-" My bodysuddenly felt heavy and soon, my small black cloud had came and engulfed me again.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did you like it? TBH i may have cried a couple of time when listening to the music and writing this

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Did you like it? TBH i may have cried a couple of time when listening to the music and writing this... Dis any one else cry? or was it just little Ol' emotional me?g

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