4; New Appartment

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*** Quick note. There is a part which seems like a Lemon but is actually just a small accident, So don't you all start going around with dirty minds trying to ruin my story.***

Neji's P.O.V.

"Yes M'lady." I said, bowing to lady Tsunade. As I turned to leave, Tsunade stopped me. "One more thing," I gave her a slightly confused look. "Try to smile."
"Smile,  Neji. You're quite intimidating, and this girl has had... lets just say a rough past. And she just moved to the village, so an intimidating face may not be the best thing for her right now." Her words made me stop and think. Was that why (Y/N) kicked Naruto yesterday? And what happened in her past? Did it have something to do with The 10 tales attack on her country?
"Neji?" I looked up towards the Hokage.
"Are you ok? You seem to be a bit out of it."
"No, M'lady, I was just thinking." I turned and headed towards the door. Ready to continue on with my mission; First having (Y/N) check in with Lady Tsunade, then showing her to her team. I walked down the stairs and began walking down the road. "Hey Neji." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to be confronted by a girl with two chocolate colored buns atop of her head. "Hello Ten-Ten." I say neutrally.
"Did you hear the news?"
"What news?"
"The news that we're getting a team member."
"Yes. I have herd that news. In fact, I'm on my way to talk to the new member right now." I say, attempting to continue walking forward.
"Really!? What are they like?"
"Well, for one its a she." I say, slightly irritated that she keeps stopping me to ask questions.
"ITS A SHE?!" Ten-Ten squealed with excitement. I stepped to the side.
"Yes, now if you'll excuse me, I have to complete my mission." I continued walking forward, towards (Y/N) and Naruto's apartment complex.
"Alright, see you later Neji." Ten-Ten called out. I walked all the way to the complex in silence, alone with my thoughts, wondering so many questions about (Y/N). What happened to her? Why is she so jumpy? Why is she so cute? Why does she carry an ANBU mask?  Before I knew it, I was standing in front of her door. I rose my hand to knock, but I heard a crash. Like that of a broken table. I quickly stepped to the side "Byakugan!" There were two figures in (Y?N)'s room. One towering over a smaller figure with a broken table next to them. I quickly hit the door open and ran in, ready fight who ever was there, but was quickly taken back by what I saw.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Neji?" Naruto asked out of confusion. "What are you doing here?" I say, staring at him confused. Why are all the vessels next to his eyes popped out? Neji stood up back to normal, not reaching for his kuni pouch. "Sorry, to come in so hastily. I thought you were being attacked." The veins next to his eyes slowly went down. "Attacked?" I asked, still completely confused. "Yes. As I was walking up to your room, I heard a table break. I then used my Byakugan to see who was there and saw another person in here, not realizing it was Naruto." Naruto had a funny look on his face as hi scratched the back of his head. "But Neji, didn't you  notice that my chakra was mine?" He asked. Neji looked over to me, his face now completely back to normal. "If i may ask, what happened?" He looked around locking eyes with the broken table and mess of white cream everywhere. (^.-)--#
"W-well see, I-I invited Naruto over for breakfast, seeing as he was really nice-" Naruto cut in.
"Yeah, so i came over, and (Y/N) Had made waffles, and boy were they delicious."
"So me and Naruto ate them, but he dropped some hot tea in his lap and shot up an-"
"And so I knocked the table over, Inadvertently making it fall on (Y/N)..."
"But luckily I got back fast enough and the table hit the ground and cracked."
"I then leaned over to help (Y/N) up but then you came in..." We both gave the same Sheepish look to Neji. He sighed, looking partially annoyed and almost disappointing. Then in it hit me."Neji, Why were you coming to my apartment, and how were you able to see there were two people in here?" I asked, trying to get some of the whip cream off of the carpet. Naruto leaned over and began picking up the bits of the coffee table. "I could see you using the special trait passed down through my family. It gives me full 360* vision of my surrounding, even letting me see through walls." He said, now joining Naruto, picking up the left over bits of my coffee table.
"Oh, so like X-ray vision, but all over."
"Yes. Pretty close actually. As for coming to your apartment, Lady Tsunade told me to tell you to go to her whenever you have some free time to check in with her, then I'd show you to your new team."  The last of my poor coffee table was now gone and the room looked normal. "Wow (Y/N)," Naruto said. "You've only been here a day and you're already getting a team."
"Not yet, Neji cut in, "You still have to go check in with Tsunade, then after that, she decide of you can get a team." Is this kid's job just to be a stickler? "Well then," I said standing up and dusting off my legs. "Since I have nothing else to do today, I'm going to go to the Hokage's office." I went to go to the door but Naruto spoke up. "But, (Y/N), what about your table?" I stopped and looked over to him. "Well, I don't have much money, and I don't necessarily need a table to eat. I don't think I'll replace it. C'ya later." I walked out of my apartment, but not before I grabbed my bag. I slung it over my back and walked over to the Hokage's building. It wasn't in silence though, I began thinking about random things. Neji's X-ray vision thing seems cool. I can't believe he can even look through walls. Can he see chakra? I mean, Naruto seemed surprised that Neji didn't recognize his chakra... That means he saw my chakra. I stopped and and looked down. D-Did he see the excess chakra from the 10 tales? "H-Hey, You're the new ninja, Right?" said a soft voice. I looked up to see a girl with dark blue hair, a heavy coat, and the same milky eyes as Neji. "Yeah... I am." I took a step closer to the girl. "Hey, you have the same eyes as Neji. Are you related to him?" The girl had an instant blush "Y-Yes. Neji is my cousin... How do you know Neji?" "Well, He told me where my new apartment is"
"T-That's so kind of him."
"I guess, he kind of made it obvious that it was a job from the Hokage tho..."
"Well, t-that's just how Neji is."
"Hey, I never got your name, what is it, if you don't mind me asking."
"Oh, I don't mind. I-Its Hinata."
"Hinata, that's a nice name.I'm (Y/N)."
"H-Hi (Y/N), I'm Hinata." We both laughed and I watched as her face grew a bit red. I looked over at the village then remembered what i was supposed to be doing. "well, its been nice talking to you Hinata, but i have to go Talk to the Hokage." I waved her a good by and turned to leave. "B-By (Y/N)." I quickly ran off towards the Hokage's office.

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