2; A New Town

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***A/N: this part takes place a little bit after the fight, like maybe a month or so***

Tsunade's P.O.V.

"Lady Tsunade," said my assistant as she walked in. "Yes Shizune?" I responded flatly, sorting and signing my papers.
"Isn't the new arrival coming today?" I grabbed a new paper.
"Which one? We've have a lot of new arrivals register recently." I flipped the paper over, reading through the document.
"You know, The kid from land of Demons..." I Froze and looked up at Shizune.
"That's today?"
"Yes ma'am" I immediately began sifting through my papers, looking for the small packet."
"Here!" I said triumphantly, holding the small registration packet with the girl's  information on it. "Here we are... (L/N), (F/N).  Lived in the Land of Demons... Her parents died during the 10 tales war... and is... Oh..." I stared intensely at the paper
"What is it m'lady?" I quickly threw on a neutral expression.
"Nothing, Shizune, just, when this new arrival comes in, can you leave me alone to talk to them?"
"Yes M'lady." Just as i had finished signing the last of the paper, three ANBU Members, two wearing Land of the demon gear and one wearing Leaf ninja gear, appeared in front of my desk with a fourth figure standing behind/to the side of one of them. "Speak of the devil..." I muttered under my breath, but then stood up. 
"Is that her?" i asked pointing to the girl who looked to be hiding behind the ANBU members. One nodded and stepped to the side, reveling the obviously nervous girl. No wonder she's nervous. Hell, if i was in her position I would be an entire nervous wreck.
"Come sit down in this chair Sweet pea." The girl looked towards the 3 ANBU members.
"C-could i have my bag?" One of the ANBU members took off a considerably small backpack with a broken ANBU mask strapped to the side, and handed it to the girl. She held the back pack then sat cross legged in the chair across from my desk. I nodded towards the three ANBU members. They nodded back and dispersed. 
"Now, Why don't tell me a bit about yourself?"

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I sat in the chair, tucking my feet under my legs, placing my backpack in my lap. 
"Now, Why don't tell me a bit about yourself?"  
"Well... What do you want to know?" I Nervously fidget with my backpack.
"Well, uh..." The blond lady looked over at my backpack. I looked down at it to and tightened my grip on the bag.
"Whats that mask?" The lady asked, seeming to try to lighten the mood. 
"I-I don't know."
"What do you mean? You had to have brought it for some reason." I shifted in my seat and looked down at the mask.
"Its from the guy..."
"What guy? Was it was one of the ANBU members you came with?"
"N-no... It was the guy from my village... He what the first thing I rember..."
"First thing you remember? You mean from your childhood?"
"No... As in last month... during the attack. For some reason, The earliest I can remember is right after the attack from the nine tales." The lady stood up with a look of confusion. 
"You mean you don't remember anything before or during the attack?"
"W-well..." I really don't want to tell her but i mean, she may already know, seeing as she is the Hokage... "I remember right before the attack ended. I-I was running around, trying to see if i could find any survivors to help, but then i saw a group of people on a hill. I ran over to them, but they were performing a sealing Jutsu. They said they needed help, someone to be a jinchūriki for the demon. I wanted to help but was a bit nervous. But before I know it I was standing in the center and then I blacked out. The next thing i remember was the man..." I held the broken ANBU mask. "He was kneeling beside me, and said he was sorry. He was one of the people performing the seal. Before I could talk to him, he handed me a necklace and collapsed." 
"So you know what happen-"
"If you're referring to the fact that I was used, kind of like a sacrifice, to be the host for the 10 tailed, Yes. I know. I know that I'm a jinchūriki." I looked back down towards the backpack. The Lady looked over at me with a soft expression.
"He had a necklace?" 
"yeah..." I pulled the necklace out from under my shirt and Held it out for the lady to see. Her eyes widened, Like she already knew what it was.
"Did the man ever tell you about the necklace?"
"He just said it would help in the future."
"Well," The lady sat back in her chair with a soft smile. "Turns out the man was looking out for you"
"That necklace is a Hokage styled necklace that helps conceal chakra. With out that necklace, your body would be dealing massive overloads of chakra. Even with the seal, some of the 10 tailed beast would leak out with the massive chakra." 
"Well then..." I sat there thinking about that time, mindlessly fiddling with the mask.
"Was that his then?"
"The mask."
"Well then. I think there is someone you should meat. But first I think we should get you situated into a home." I perked up.
"A home? As in, I'm gonna stay here?" The blond smiled.
"Yep. Here is your paperwork. You are now registered as a member of Konohagakure."
"T-thank you Miss Hokage."
"No problem. Now there should be a ninja her to escort you to your new home." There was a knock on the door. "There he is now. I will see you soon (Y/N)" I stood up, got the papers from the hokage and opened the door. I took a blind step forward, coming unusually close to the face of a guy, about my age with milky while eyes. "S-sorry!" I said taking a step back 
"No need to worry" He said flatly "Lets go" He turned and began walking down the large steps. His low pony tail flowing behind him as he walked. Before I went down the stairs, I realized i had forgotten my backpack. Without a secod thought, I bolted into the hokage's room and grabbed my bag hastily, and put it on. I looked up the hokage with a final question. "W-was that the person you thought i shoudl meat?" she let out almost a giggle. No, That's Neji Huyga. You should meat Naruto Uzumaki." I nodded, as a final farewell. I ran out the room and down the stairs. "N-Neji wait up!"

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