6; Friends

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Neji's P.O.V.

I gave a small wave to Ten-Ten and Lee as I left the ramen shop. We ate lunch there as we always do every Thursday for some sort of team bonding. Guy sensei made us do it when we were first as a team and now it's become a habit. I was walking down the road to the Hokage's Office, for some reason (Y/N) had creeped into the back of my mind. I wonder what she's up to, And why did she have to go talk to the Hokage? Almost as if on queue, I saw (Y/N) walking out from a side road, Looking as if she was wandering almost aimlessly yet looking for something. So I decided to go say hi. I crossed the road and before i could even say a word, she looked up.

(Y/N)'s  P.O.V.

I walked down the road, ready to go meet my new team members,  bet then I realized, I don't know where anything is in this town. Some how, Neji had crept into the back of my mind. Is there a reason why he seems so cold? I wonder how it will be on a team together. I suddenly felt eyes on me and looked up, and surprisingly, It was Neji. I realized how tense I was and loosened up. "Hello there." he said with a small nod. "Hi." I said back. He looked down and I awkwardly fixed my shirt, trying to cover up the band aids. "Are you ok?" He asked, he said in an almost monotone voice. Well isn't that just the must unnatural tone of voice and word combination. "I'm fine, It's just a couple scrapes."
"I know you went to go see your new Sensei but didn't realize he was going to fight you on your first time meeting him. Guy sensei has always been a lively one." his face seemed so still, almost expressionless "So, what are you up to, if I may ask?" He said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh, I was actually on my way to see you." I said... Wait a minute.
"To see me?" He asked with an inquisitive tone?"
"Well, actually," I felt my face fluster. "G-Guy sensei said that you guys w-were eating lunch at that it might be good of I were to meet up with you guys because I only know you from our team." Oh boy do I probably look like a tomato. But then it happened. Neji Showed some form of emotion. And it was a smile. But as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. "Oh, Well Ten-Ten and Lee are inside that ramen shop." He said, gesturing to a tiny shop around the corner. "Good by." and he walked off. I felt almost shell shocked at how fast the conversation ended. I turned and walked over to the ramen shop. It wasn't as much as a shop as it was a stand with the word "Ramen" Written on the cloth outside.  I pulled back the cloths and inside the stand sat a girl with buns and what looked to be a younger version of Guy sensei. They both looked over and seemed quite exited, almost like two giddy school girls. "Are you guys Neji and Ten-Ten?" I asked, and slowly a giant smile creeped up bot of their faces. The girl with buns stood up. "That must mean you're (Y/N)" she said. She held out her hand. "I'm Ten-Ten and this is Lee." I shook her hand and sat down between the two and began talking. "So you're the new team member?" Asked lee, his eyes filled wit an unnecessary amount of determination.
"Yeah." I look to he guy across from the counter. "Can I get a bowl of ramen?" The man then smiled and proceeded to make the ramen.
"Where are you from?" asked Ten-Ten.
I tried not to be nervous but just the sound of he question made me stiffen up. "I'm from the land of Demons" They both looked over. "Hey, Isn't that where the ten tails attacked just recently?" Asked Lee, again, sounding overly determined. "Y-yeah..." I looked down awkwardly. Ten-Ten seemed immediately concerned. "Oh wow, are you ok, were you hurt?"  
"What?" I asked confused. Why was she concerned. Lee turned towards me. "Are you ok? Every other land heard about the attack and it seemed pretty intense. Are you Ok?"
"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I only got a couple scrapes and bruises." I said, mindlessly messing with a pair of chopsticks. "One order of plain ramen" Said the old man with a happy grin on his face. I gratefully took the bowl of ramen and opened my chopsticks. "Just a plain ramen? (Y/N) you should live on the wild side and get some Chile ramen" Said a familiar Blond ninja. Naruto sat on the stool beside Lee. "I'll take three bowls of extra Chile ramen please." Naruto said quickly opening a pair of chopsticks. "Well someone's hungry." Ten-Ten said laughing. "You betcha' I only had like 4 bowls of ramen today." I dropped my chopsticks.
"Yeah, I know. Only for. Today has been a rough day." Lee began laughing as I just stared at Naruto.
"What do you mean only four bowls? How can you eat that much? I can barley eat a single bowl." I said, getting to the half way point in my bowl of ramen.
"So (Y/N), what were you doing here?"
"Meeting my team."
"Woah, so you're apart of team 9 now?
"Well, where's Neji? Isn't he apart of the team to?" Ten-Ten then cut in.
"He left. He said something about having to see the Hokage." We all continued eating our ramen. Everyone began small talk and before we knew it, it was getting late. we said our goodbyes and me and Naruto walked home.
"So, how do you like it here in konohagekure?" I looked up at him. Even though we were probably the same age, he was a good half a head taller than me.
"It's pretty great, Actually."
"Really? That's good. I mean, I don't know what it was like in your old town but I hope it's good enough." 
"Well, I don't really know what it was like either."
"What?" he seemed surprised and almost concerned. "How do you not remember?"
"The attack was pretty bad..." I felt myself choke up a tiny bit. "I can't seem to remember anything before it." Naruto had a pretty sad expression on. "Wow, I'm sorry to hear that..." Wow (Y/N), way to go. Totally how to make friends. And almost as if on queue, we were at the apartment complex. "Hey, did you ever get your key?" Asked Naruto. "Yeah, I did" I said fishing into my pockets to pull out a key that looked exactly like Naruto's. "Here, I'll return your key." I opened the door and walked into the tiny room. The evening glow on the from the sun gave the room an orange glow. "Here It is." I said, taking out Naruto's key.  I walked out of the bedroom and saw Naruto in the kitchen. "Here." I said holding out the key. "Thanks. See ya tomorrow." He said as he left for his room. I closed the front door and flopped into bed.

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