11: Sleepy Camp

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I listened to the soft pacing of the footsteps for about half an hour before they began to slow down. Soon they came to a stop and I got out of the tent.

"Neji?" I asked into the dark. The only light coming from the now dwindling fire.

"Hmm, who's there?" Said Neji, hunching over the fire.

"Oh, (Y/N). What are you doing up?"

"I couldn't sleep." I said sitting next to him. I wasn't lying, I haven't been able to sleep since I became a Jinchūriki. I looked over to Neji and saw dark circles under his eyes.

"Are you ok? You look really tired." I said. He looked back towards the fire.

"I'm fine. You should get some sleep so you can stay awake when It's your turn to take watch." That made me laugh. Me get some sleep? Your're the one with the dark circles under your eyes.

"Mhhh... To bad. You're the one who needs sleep."

"I can not get some sleep, I have to stay awake and on watch."

"You can't stay on watch if you're half asleep." I looked back over to him. He leaned his face onto his hand and mumbled.

"Fine..." He got up and took a few steps away from the fire and lied down.

"I'll should be asleep for only half an hour." He rolled over, not facing me any more. I thought I had herd him say something, but just brushed it away. Within no time at all, Neji was asleep and the forest had become almost silent. soon the half an hour had passed and I got up to wake up Neji, but had stopped. Do I have to wake him up? I mean, do I have to wake anyone up? I can't sleep to begin with so It would just be easier for me to stay awake on watch instead of waking everyone up? I mean, why wake up everyone when I can help. I reached into my bag and pulled out a small blanket and walked over to Neji. I placed it over him and returned back to the fire, stoking it with more twigs and kindling. I sat there in the tranquil silence for a few hours until I began to see the sun rise. The black night sky had ever so slightly began to dissipate as light blues and peachy tones began to slowly fill the sky. There was a small rustle coming from behind me. I turned around to see Neji waking up and taking off the blanket.

"What time Is it?" He asked, looking around.

"If it had to guess, " I said looking up at that emerging sun. "Probably 5."

"Five?!" He immediately stood up and looked around.

"Why didn't you wake me up after the half an hou- wait," He turned and looked towards me. "Have you been awake a this whole time?" I shrugged and continued to mess with the fire.


"Why would you do that? Aren't you tired?"

"Not really. Maybe a bit stiff from sitting here for a while but other than that I'm wide awake." I said standing up and stretching.

" Here, You need to get some sleep." He said handing me the blanket he was just using.

"I'm fine, I don't need sleep."

"Of course you need sleep. You're a Human being with a functional brain. It needs rest to function properly. Go take a nap." He said with a stern but what seemed like a caring tone.

"Joke's on you, I'm not fully human. I don't need sleep." I said with an amusing tone, not making eye contact.

"But you're still part human. You need sleep." He said again, now seeming almost irritated tone. Before I knew it, my vision went black and I was engulfed in something.

Neji's P.O.V.

"H-Hey!" (Y/N) Yelled. I wrapped her up in the blanket I was wrapped up in when I woke up. Within seconds I had her wrapped up in the blanket.

"Neji, what did you do?" She asked wigling around. "I can't get out."

"That's the point." I said. I sat down next to her. 

"What? Neji, let me out." She said, rolling over. It was quite amusing.

"I'm not letting you out till you get some sleep." Just because she's a Jinchūriki doesn't mean she doesn't need sleep.

"I don't need sleep."

"Too bad."

"Neji, I can't sleep, let me out."

"Too. Bad." I said with a tone that almost scared myself. It was silent for a minute or so before she rolled over to her side and mumbled something. Soon she was asleep and I finally got up. I went over and began to put out the fire, seeing as it was morning now so we didn't need it. It doesn't matter If she doesn't normally get sleep, she still needs to rest. There was a soft rusting noise. I turned around to see (Y/N) rolling around in her sleep. What is she doing? Is she trying to get out of the blanket? (Y/N)...  I took a step closer and realized that she was asleep, but, was restless an mumbling something. Is she having a Nightmare?

"(Y/N)?" I asked her name, leaning down to face her.

"N-No... Get... away... Get.... AAAAAAAAAAAA" She screamed then sat up.

"W-where am i- Oh, Neji..." Se looked towards me, but then proceed to land a quick punch to my face.

"Hey, what was tha-"

"Neji, If you ever make me take a nap again, I'll kill you." She muttered in a monotone voice.

"(Y/N), Are you alright?" I asked. She ignored me and stood up.

"C'mon. We should take down the camp and wake the others." Tho she was talking to me, it felt like she wasn't and that it was just a general statement. What could she have dreamed of that would cause her to act like this? I tried to ignored it and followed her in cleaning up the camp, but just felt something nagging at the back om my mind telling me something was wrong.

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