9; Breakfast

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I walked down the dirt road, wondering what was open at this hour. What even is this hour? The sun was just barley up so 5? 6? who knows. All I knew was that I was hungry. I found myself walking down a random road, following my nose as a heavenly sent filled my nostrils. I found myself in front of an open ramen shop and took an eager seat. 

"One bowl of egg drop ramen please." The older man from behind the counter turned around and had looked suprized.

"Oh! Normal the only one here is-"

"Alright, four bowls of egg drop ramen please!" Said a familiar blond.

"Naruto! Speak of the devil. 5 bowls coming up!" Said the old man with a large smile on his face.

"Five?" Naruto questioned. He turned around and had realized who the last bowl was going to.

"Hey (Y/N)! What are you doing up this early?"

"Oh ya know, stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"5 Bowls! Order up!" Said the man, placing the bowls on the counter in a line.

"Breakfast stuff! Bottom's up." I smiled as I ate my bowl of noodles.

"Hey (Y/N), wanna see who can eat the most bowls the fastest?"

"As much as I'd love to, I'd say its's safe to say who would win."

"Who? Little old me?" He said with a  cheesy grin. I smiled and went back to eating my noodles.

"Done!" naruto said with a smile.

"You finished all four of them?"


"Wow..." This kid must be insane. How does he eat so much?

"Ya done yet (Y/N)?"

"Uh, Yeah." Eaarller Neji and Tsunade had told me that Naruto would be a good person to talk to.  Would now be a good time to possibly be a good time to talk about that?

"H-Hey Naruto,"

"Yeah (Y/N)?"

"What are you doing right now?"

"Uh, just walking back to my apartment. wanna walk with me?"

"S-Sure." I said catching up to him. My mind began to ponder ways how/what to ask Naruto. Maybe if he knows what a Jinchūriki is, or maybe he studies them. Oh, what if he know another Jinchūriki. that would be great, he could maybe let me talk to the other Jinchūriki

"(Y/N)?" The blond said, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"You ok? You seemed like you spaced out for a bit."

"Y-Yeah, just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Should I ask him now? Well, when would be a better time?

"Uh..." I stopped walking and faced him. 

"Do you know what a Jinchūriki is?" He stopped and faced me as well.

"Well, I wanted to ask yo-"

"Yes." Yes? That means he knows a Jinchūriki, but, how did he know that was what I was gonna ask...

"Wait... Yes what?"

"Yes I am a Jinchūriki, that was what you were gonna ask, right?" I froze. Wait, He's one? That's what they meant, oohhhhhhh....

" That was what you were gonna ask, right? Because if I just said that for no reason the-"

"N-No, it wasn't exactly what I was gonna ask but answered the basic jist of it."

"Oh... well then what were you gonna ask?"

"I was gonna ask if you knew of a Jinchūriki."

"How come?"

"Well because I'm one and I don't exactly know how to, well, be a Jinchūriki. I'm as new as they get with this stuff and honestly, I'm terrified. And, well now I'm nervous so I'm just rambling about pointless shit an-" thankfully Naruto cut me off by giving me a bear hug. I was shocked but then hugged him back. Wow (Y/N), two hugs from two different guys, how scandalous.

"Thanks Naruto."

"No Problem (Y/N)" We continue to walk back to the apartment complex and I soon found myself in the comforting hold of my bed.

"Just 'cuz I can't sleep doesn't mean I can relax." I gently placed my bag on the bed side table and watched as the sun slowly rose over the mountains and into the morning sky. There was a small knock at the door.

"Coming. Who is it?" I shouted. I pushed myself up from the bed but had Immediately fell down.

"It's Neji."

"C-cool, come on in." I stood up slowly and groaned.

"You ok?" I heard Neji say, standing in my door way.

"I think my legs are starting to bruise from earlier." I sighed and rubbed my thighs.

"Well hat's unfortunate. Today's the day you meet you officially meet your team mates."

"I already met them."

"Well today you get to officially meet them." I chuckled at that.

"Alright then." I said standing up, grabbing my bag, double checking the masks was on there securely.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"Field 9" Cool the only place I know in this town. we both walked out of the small room and down to the field. Feeling the silence beginning to get a bit awkward, I decided to say something.

"I wen't and talked to Naruto earlier."

"That's good."

"Yeah, Honestly I would've never guessed." I smiled softly at him.

"Thanks for telling me to go see him." i thought fro a sold second, His cheeks had turned a shade of dusty pink, but was hidden by his sleeve as he yawned.

"Here we are, Field 9." I looked over and saw Guy Sensie, lee, and Ten-Ten all standing there, waving towards me and Neji. I jogged across the field and greeted them.

"Hey Guys!"

"Hey (Y/N)!" Lee and Ten-Ten said in unison.

"Alright, lets get down to business. As you all know, (Y/N) is our new member of the team, and what better way to Team-Bond then by going on a mission!" Guy Sensie said, full of life.

"A mission already, don't you think that's a little early for (Y/N)."

"I will have to agree with Ten-Ten on this one, Guy Sensie. (Y/N) Has barley had time to learn out names, let alone know the ropes of becoming a ninja." Said Lee

"I understand what you are all saying, but I think this will help. It's an easy mission, just helping the land of keys with a new trade route around the land of bears. It'll take no less then a few days and I believe it it'll be just perfect for us to teach our new Team member the ropes." Guy Sensie said with a sparkling grin.

"Sounds easy enough."

"Then It's settled. Off to the Hokage's office to get the details of the mission."

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