3; A Real Home

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Neji's P.O.V.

"How do you know my name?" I ask in an almost irritated tone. She froze, her foot an the steps of the stairs. "T-The Hokage t-told me." She looks as if she was a building about to crumble.
"Sorry." that was all I said. I know i should have maybe said something to make her not so nervous, but, I was a loss for words. Maybe some light conversation... "Whats your name?" I ask continuing down the stairs. I heard her step a bit quicker, catching up to me "I-Its (F/N) (L/N)." (F/N) that's a nice name. We walked in silence for a bit. We were walking down the main road before I turned around to face (Y/N). "Where do you live?" She looked up and seemed almost frightened. "T-the land of Demons..." I stood there confused for a moment. "That's not what I meant. I mean, whats the address on the papers Tsunade gave yo- Wait, You're from the land of demons?" Didn't they just have a giant attack on them from the 10 tailed beast?!

(Y/N)'S P.O.V.

Dammit, I guess it was obvious He meant my new house, Way to go telling him where I'm from... "Y-Yeah, i used to live there, But the Hokage said i could live here..." To be honest, I couldn't tell if he was looking at me or next to me, due to his uniformed eye color. "Were you there when the 10 tales attacked?" His question caught me off guard, making me take a wavering step back. "I-I guess you could say that..." his face grew that of a curious child "What was It like?" My stomach flopped from the memory of the attack. I don't know if my expression changed or if maybe Neji had realized the question was a bit much, But he changed the subject. "Never mind. Where did you say your address was?" I fumbled around, looking for the papers before I polled them out of my pocket. "Uh... I don't know where the address is on these papers..." I flipped through the papers, not knowing what I was looking for. The brunet leaned in surprisingly close and flipped the paper. "Here." He said pointing to a small section. "Ah... I know where that building is. Naruto lives there." I stared at him, remembering what the hokage had said earlier."D-Did you say Naruto?"
"Yeah... Do you know him?"
"no, but the hokage said It might be good if I met him."
"Well, you do live in the same building complex as him, I'm sure you'll meat him soon." The brunet turned and continued walking forward. I put the papers in my bag and followed after. We soon reached the small complex. "Room 57..." He said, looking down the hallway. "Y-you know, you don't have to lead me down the-" I was cut off by an crazy yellow hair'd kid, about as old as me in an orange jumpsuit, coming down the hallway. "Hey Neji! What are you doing here? Did you come to see me?" He yelled. I'm gonna let you know right now, Since I cant remember anything before the 10 tales attack, I've been not necessarily scared, but really jumpy and on edge. So seeing a giant pouf of orange yelling down the hallway was not a situation in which i'd be super calm around. So I did what any reasonable person would do in this situation... and that would be me proceeding to round house kick Naruto in the face then immediately standing in a battle stance while holding a kuni, nervously shaking. "What was that fo-" Naruto stopped mid sentence and stared at me "Whoa, well hey now, who are you?" Neji came over and stood in front of me and slowly took the kuni. "Calm down (Y/N). I know Naruto can be a bit much but that doesn't mean you can kick him. He dropped the kuni to the floor and walked down the hall to a door. "I-I'm sorry about that. I guess I'm really jumpy."
"No worries. I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm gonna be the next Hokage! Who are you?"
"I-I'm (F/N) (L/N)..."
"Well, Hello (Y/N). Hey... Are you new around here? I've never seen you around before." Before I could answer, I heard Neji say something. "Here is your room (Y/N)." I ran down the corridor to find Neji standing in front of a door with the number 57 etched into it. "My missing is complete, So I'll be leaving now. Good bye." Neji said impassively and left. Naruto came down the corridor, passing by the neutral faced Neji, and stopped a foot or two from me. "Hey, are you moving in here?" He asked "Y-yeah... I just moved into the village." I said. I went to open the door but it was locked. Well Duh, I'm sure they don't just leave the rooms open. "Do you need help opening the door?" Asked Naruto I turned around to look at him, he was now a tad closer. "Y-yeah."
"Do you have a key?"
"Uh..." I felt around in my pockets and only found the papers The Hokage gave me. "N-no, I don't. I guess the Hokage only gave me papers..."
"Dang that Grandma Tsunade. Here, i think i have a spare key." Naruto said. he ran around a corner and was back within a couple of minutes. "Here. this building is so old they use the same key for every door." I stepped to the side As Naruto leaned forward towards the door handle. Withing a couple of seconds, the door was open.
"There you go, welcome to your new hom- Wait a second. If you're moving in here, wheres all your stuff?" For a second i thought i had lost my backpack, but after i looked behind me I realized he had just meant my lack of things. "This is all my stuff."
"What?! Just that tiny backpack? What about like, I don't know, Bigger stuff."
"This is all I have."
"Yes, really."
"Wow." i walked into the door and had placed my bag down carefully on the table. It was a small place but at least it was a place to live.
"So where are you from?" Jeez, is that everyone's question of the day?
"I'm from the land of Demons." I try to say causally, not wanting to cause any suspicion.
"Wait, wasn't their lands just attacked by the 10 tales?" I froze, again. Deep breath... Its OK to talk about it, just not the important thing... "Yeah... It was pretty brutal..." he had a look of either sadness or despair on his face. I went back to unpacking my bag before i felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly whipped around to see Naruto there. I know how you feel. My home, this village, was attacked by the 9 tails around 16 years ago." I looked up at him. Is this what Tsunade meant? "Well, I'm sorry to hear that..." I said. I officially emptied my bag, its contents taking up less than half the table space. A spare set of ninja cloths, some weapons and scrolls, a small bit of medical supplies, and the mask. "Whoa, is that an ANBU mask?" He asked.
"Is it yours?" that made me laugh
"No... It was a friends, I think..."
"You think?"
"W-well i don't remember much of my past."
"Was it from... from the attack?" I felt my everything tense up.
"Sorry. Never mind, I'm overstepping my boundaries, aren't I, hehehe..." He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. "No, Its OK..." I looked over to him "I'm sorry if I act a bit weird, The whole thing is still kind of an open would i guess." He gave a cheesy smile. "Hey, no problem. Well, I'm gonna leave you alone to pack. I Live down the hall in case you need anything. C'ya" He said, waving good bye as he left. I waved him good bye but he had already left. I looked down at the broken and dirtied mask and placed it on the nightstand and began to put away the last of my almost nonexistent belongings.

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