Chapter 7

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 Chapter 7



“Amber.” Someone was shaking me.

I groaned and opened my eyes. I saw a pair of brown eyes staring at me and a huge pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

“What happened? You were screaming for me.” He smiled.

“I was having a really bad dream.” I put.

“Really? Well what was it about? If I was in it, It couldn’t have been that bad. Could it?”

I scrunched up my face. “Yeah it was that bad.”

“I want to hear it. Please baby doll?”

“If you call me that one more time you want live to hear it.” I hate pet names.

“Fine but will you tell me what happened?”

“Someone kidnapped me and you were the one behind it. He started telling me things that I have only told you. He said something like because our parents were the best spies the world has ever seen, they were killed.”

“Do you really think someone would do that for real?”

“I don’t know but that might mean that someone knows who we are.”

“You think we blew our cover?”

“I am not sure. Seth what time is it?”

“Time for you to come with me.”

He grabbed my hand and shoved me to my closet.

“Get dressed and meet me down stairs in the car.”

“Ok I will see you later.”

I went into my closet. Brown skinny jeans and a purple  t-shirt with a green zip-up jacket. I grabbed my boots and slipped them on. Then ran downstairs to the car. He smiled at me.

“What is up with your face?” I asked cause his face was tight and scrunched up. His eyes were closed then add him taking really deep breathes.

“Amber I have to tell you something.”

“Oh please don’t tell me that you really are working for someone.”

He opened his eyes and looked deep into m eyes. “We need to go talk somewhere else. I am scared our car has been bugged.”

“Ok lets go to the little diner down town.” I suggested.

We pulled into the parking lot and sat in the booth in the corner. The diner was small and set up like an old 50’s one. It was cute.

A blonde boy walked up to take our order.

“We just want a milkshake.”

“Ok what favor?”He asked.

“I don’t know. Surprise us.” Seth spit.

“Ok then.” He turned around and walked back to the back.

“What is your problem Seth?” I was getting fed up with his little attitude.

“Why are you so mad at me. I haven’t done anything.”

“Do you really want to go there. I want to know why you wanted to talk to me. I am kinda freaking out here! You only wanted to talk because I told you about my dream. I thought we said we were never going to keep secrets from each other.”

“Amber I am trying to tell you would you just calm down and wait for a second.”

“Fine.” I was looking into his eyes, trying to read what he was thinking.

“Right before we left.” He took a deep breath. “A man came to me and asked about you.  He said something about a guy  wanting to find you.”

Someone was looking for me? That really freaked me out. I didn’t know what to say.

“I told him I had no idea who he was talking about. I didn’t know what to say.”

“How long ago was this? I swear Seth if you lie to me and say just a second ago then I $am going to beat you within an inch of your life.”

The young boy came back with our orders. Making Seth stop in the middle of what he was thinking. I saw him glance around the dinner. I glanced to the corner in the back.

There were two men dressed in tight black shirts and jeans. Not the greatest fighting outfits. I thought. They didn’t look like the normal sort of people that come here. So my mind started racing.

What are they doing in here? Who are they working for? Why do they look like they are waiting for the people to leave?

I saw them glance at the other couple in the booth two down from ours. The boy came back to the couple with their recite. ‘Ding’ I felt me phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at my iPhone’s LCD screen.

‘Do u c the 2 men in the corner. Right? ~Seth’

I started typing back. ‘Yeah they don’t look very friendly. You think they are here for us?’

‘I think so. We should leave.’ But just as soon as I got his text the men stood up and started walking towards us.

“Hey, you two. Have you seen these two kids.” The bigger one pulled out to pictures of me and Seth back before this mission.

“No sir we haven’t. I am sorry. Are they lost of something.” The bigger man threw his hand on the table making me jump. Then he grabbed my arm. Big mistake….

I spun around kicking the man in the small of his back.  He fell forward due to the power of the impact, but didn’t let go.

One of the things they teach you in the academy if to take your enemy by surprise.

Seth took on the other guy. I could hear them grunting but I think Seth was winning. The big man against a 100lb girl….. NOT fair. Poor him.

I jumped using his hold as a lift. I threw my foot into his jaw and heard it pop as he started to spit out a mouthful of blood. The people that work here are going to hate us. He tried grabbing my other arm. He seems so stupid cause by taking both of my arms it gave me an advantage with my feet. Which by the way are much stronger from years of training and playing soccer. Taking the advantage of him having my arm I pushed up so he was holding all my weight in his hands. Then kicked him in the stomach with both my feet. He doubled over in pain and finally let go of me. Seth was getting out from under his attacker. Who by the way was unconscious. He got up and we ran to the car, taking off we saw the cops start to come.

“A little to late don’t you think.” Seth asked.

“Maybe just a little bit. Wonder who they are going to find?”

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