Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

(2 weeks Later)

“Amber! You keep messing up the routine.” Barbie screamed at me. Yeah, she just happened to be the captain of the stupid cheerleading squad. I really hate cheerleading, but since I had gotten out of the hospital last week this was the only girls sport that would let me try out. Barbie wasn’t her real name but she doesn’t seem like a Adeline I will stick with Barbie.

We had been over this routine like twice and even though I can learn an invasion plan in 30 seconds flat, I could not understand the formation that we were doing.

“Can I make a suggestion?” I raised my hand. “Could we just try my idea? Back at my old school I choreographed our routines and we went state champions.” Ok not a total lie. I made the invasion plans and we took down a huge drug deal. Not one person got scratched. Ok well the drug dealers did but no one on my team.

“I think it might be a good idea, Adeline. We have never even gone to states.” Ulyssa stated.

Ulyssa was a tiny red head. Her frame was built like a bird. It was not a surprise that she and Barbie were fliers. She was the co-captain or the team; though she was quite shy and never went against Barbie.

“Fine!” Barbie sighed and went and sat in the bleachers while Ulyssa and I took charge.

“Libby and Haven start over near the corner of the gym.” I stated with confidence. They both flip and tumble like rollie pollies. “Now when the music starts playing try and get into the grove and do what you guys do.”

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“Nice job guys that was almost perfect.” Our coach was very happy with the progress. Barbie wasn’t as mad at me know because I let her take credit for the routine. “Adeline great new twist to the squad by letting Amber here, try out. I know it was quite a difficult task trying to replace our beloved co-captain, Chelsea. But it seems you guys have managed. Keep up the good work. First game is tomorrow and we need this perfect.” She turned and headed back to her office.

“This needs to be perfect.” Barbie was back in charge. “From the top!” She screamed and I started the music and we were off AGAIN.

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I crawled into my bed and Seth laid down next to me. ever since I got shot he wouldn’t leave my side unless he was at football practice. Basically he knew that no one would shoot at me while a ton of high school girls were surrounding me. I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to cause a scene around those girls; half the practice consisted of gossiping of guys and the latest episode of Glee. Please count me out for that.

“So how was school today? Had any rundowns with the girls?” Seth asked trying to spark conversation.

I told him all about what happened today at school.

“I figured that Ulyssa didn’t want to be co-captain because she never stands up for anything. She is very shy. I doubt that she even wants to be on the squad. Coach seemed not to worried that their co-captain died so we could put her on the suspect list.”

Suspect #1: Mrs. Steel (Lady at front desk)

Suspect #2: Adeline (Barbie)

Suspect #3: Mrs. ??? (Coach)

****Suspect #4***** : Mr. White (Math :P teacher)

“So I still think it’s White.”

‘Everyone knows I am in over my head, over my heeeaaad.’ My phone started ringing.

“Who is that?”

I picked up my iPhone from the old, mahogany desk next to my bed. The screen read: UNKNOWN NUMBER.

I freaked out and through my phone to Seth. “I really want you to answer that cause I don’t know who it is.”

He answered after recording it. “Mommy? The sky is crying because it is as scared as I am. Mommy?! Why won’t you move? Mommy?!?!” A little girls voice cut through the silent air in my room. I gasped and covered my face. “Mommy? I don’t like this game anymore. I want to go home. This man is scaring me. He has a gun, Mommy. Mommy please get up! He is smiling like those clowns at Jimmy’s party. Mommy!” The little girls voice stopped and I heard it muffled when a man spoke.

He had a deep authoritative voice that echoed through my room. “I do believe I have the right number. Agent Smith and Brewer, I believe.” I swallowed hard. This man had a little girl. They killed her mother.

“Yes sir what would you like?” Seth spoke very calmly like we were trained to,

We got up and started towards the car as he was talking to us.

“I would like to suggest a trade.”

 Our phones tracked every call that we called or that called us. By this time we had an address but that means in a couple minutes he could have ours. We hopped into the car and took off as fast as we could.

“You see I need people with your training on my team; getting you on it would be the hard part.”

“Ransoming children is not putting you in a great position to get us on your team.” I spat.

Seth gave me that You-better-stop-if-you-want-her-alive look.

“Why do you want us, of all the kids out there?” His calm collected voice melted my anger.

“You really don’t know much about your history do you?”

“I would rather  have this conversation face-to-face,” Said hung up after that. We had reach the address. He got out of the car and went to the trunk. I followed.

In the trunk or our car was a way to make us look like we used to. That way would wouldn’t blow our cover. Bullet proof suits that looked like jeans and a t-shirt. I shoved a tiny gun into the back of my pants, grabbed earrings so I could hear thoughts and my ring that allowed me to speak to Seth without really talking. Our blonde hair started to show and our blue eyes came back. We put the extension in our hair to give HQ a view. Hopefully they would send in back-up. I snitched up my combat boots and attached the tiny knife to the inside lining. I looked at the face of my watch, 4:25. Then looked at my phone which had a map.

“Looks like we are on our own yet again. Here are the plans.” I handed him my phone.

He looked at it for about 20 seconds. “Ok you ready?” He handed me my 9mm handgun.

“As I will ever be. This girl is going to end up just like us….” And with that we were slyly scooting towards the entrance.

All our training has lead up to this day.

You sure you are ready Amber?

Yeah Seth. Just thinking about that little girl.

Well just think about it this way. We are going to save her and even if we don’t we make it easier for the backup to reach her. But if he really wants us on his team he won’t be so stupid as to go as far to kill us.


Not now Amber we have to get going.

We walked around the back and to the room that the guy had called from. The window showed the little girl crying in the corner. I am guessing that was her mom laying in the middle of the floor. I could see a very faint rise and fall to her chest.

Seth she isn’t dead.

Who isn’t?

Her mom. Look.

He glanced at the mother. You are right.

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