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Eric's POV

I run up to Alex's car, and bang on the Windows.
He opens the door.

"Yes?" He says. "What do you want?"
I stare at him for a while. "Can I talk to Sarah, for a few minutes?"
He looks back at Sarah. He nods, getting out of the way, to let Sarah out.

"Privacy?" Alex looks a me, then Sarah.We both nod, and he closes the door.

We stare at eachother for a few seconds before Sarah breaks it.
"So, what do you need?" She says a bit angrily, "Want me to help you get a girl, Or are you just gonna keep quiet?"

"No, I want to talk about, us." I say. "Look, I'm here to apologize, I wasn't cheating on you, Alli kissed me on the cheek, and I didn't ask for to, and I didn't want her too. She did it all herself when you saw us. Me and Alli have nothing together."

"Look, as long as you and me are good then I'm fine, you can be with Alex and I respect that. I don't want to ruin your relationship with another guy. I love you Sarah, and I'm really, really sorry." I finished talking.

I look down.

"I messed up, I was my fault I agreed to hang out with Alli, please-" I get cut off.
Sarah, was hugging, me..

I hugged her back.

"You guys done?" Alex talks out, with a smile on his face. "You guys are adorable."
I was confused.

We let go of eachother, and I look a Sarah with a grin on her face, then I looked back at Alex. Why are they smiling?

"Wait, what?" I say confused "why are you guys smiling?"
"You saw us make out in the car right?" Sarah tells me. I nod.
"We weren't really making out, it was fake." Alex finishes.

Fake? So them together was, FAKE!?

"You guys weren't really together." I look a them, as they shake their heads.

I sigh.


I lay in my bed, bored. I have chemistry homework. But I'll do it tonight.
I leave my room; the house. I hop in my car, and start the car.

I drive to Allis house.

Once I'm here, I knock on her door. I wait a few seconds until I hear footsteps.
Allis opens the door. "What!" She yells. "What. Do. You. Want"

Woah, this girl needs to chill. Why is she yelling at my like I ended her life.
"Oh ok, first of all, chill." I pause for a moment. "Second, tell me why you 'kissed' me on the cheek?"

She rolls her eyes.

"Why not." She looks at me. "Let's just say I'm half of a gold digger."
I'm not shocked. I already knew she was a gold digger.

"Why me though?" I ask.
"I don't know." She pauses, "when I saw you with Sarah, I guess I got angry."


James POV

I haven't made a video, for months. I'm gonna start daily videos again, I hope.
I finished a mailtime video. Once it was edited, I uploaded.

I went to MyMomIsCool YouTube channel and watched his new video.
Aparri vs julian2 irl (2)

I opened my bag of purple Doritos, then I click on the video.
I laugh through the video. I wonder what happened to Julian? I take out my phone and go to Instagram. I don't have Julian's number, so I Dm him.

Hey, haven't heard from you, what's up?
I send it.

Well, I haven't seen Mia for a few days, so I'd just call her.
I call Mia.

"Hey Mia!" I talk to Mia, from the other line.
"Uhm, James, can you come over." She sighs. "Somethings wrong with Julian."


Woah, what happened to Julian? Julian haven't been in a lot of chapters so I want Julian to be a good guys, SO IM BRINGING HIM BACK.


hand is sism.        BYEEEE

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