Ill have her back

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Alex POV

"Oh, you like him more then me?" I say.
She doesn't reply.

"Ugh, I'm out of here." I say getting up.
I open the door and James falls on the floor. I look down on him.

"Oh, uhm, bye?" He says.

I ignore and walk past, downstairs.
I'm outside walking to my car.

I get in and drive away.
I pull up at Eric's house, I walk to the door and ring the doorbell.

A girl opens the door.
"Uh, hello?" Jenna says.

"Little girl, where's Eric, I need to talk to him. Go call him." I say to the girl.
"Sheepshead.." I hear her mumble, I roll my eyes.

I wait about 20 seconds and Eric comes to the door. Once he sees me I can tell is already annoyed and mad about seeing me.

"Alex.. What do you want, if you want Sarah, well she's not here." He tells me.

I chuckle. He stares at me confused.
"Sarah broke up with me. And I'm here to tell you, I'm not giving up. I'll be back, even if you try to protect her. I will have her back from you." I say warning him.

"She loved even if she was dating you." He tells me.
I was confused a bit.

"Here's a hint, we made out." He says. Then he slaps the door.
I was angry. I tried to open the door but he locked it.

"Huh, scared much!?" I said in front of the door hoping he heard it.


A week has past and school was here, I was a junior.

I walk into the school building looking for the person.
I couldn't find Sarah so I went to my locker and got my math books.

I walked to math class. Mr. Adams. He was the most boring teacher ever in EastNorth Highschool. Our animal is a Gator. Typical animal for schools.

I used to go to WestWood highschool, Animal was the red bulls.

Now I'm here I'm a new student, I heard a lot about the school teachers.
Most boring, fun, and rude.

I took a tour here so I remember. I met a guy named Luke. He told all about the teachers.

I take my seat in the left next to the window.

The bell rings.

Mr Adams starts teaching us, 5 minutes later I look over at the door and a late student comes in.

"Your late Eric." I hear the teacher say, I look up at the persons face. Yep, it sure was Eric..


The bell rings for lunch.

I see Eric at his locker. I walk up to him.
"Good to see you, again." I say.

He turns around looking at me. "You.." I hear him.

"Eric!" I hear a girl coming towards us.
Eric's face turns to a grin. He shits (shuts* I left it there because it's so funny) his locker with his lunch money in is hand.
He walk past me towards the girl.

I look at the girl, it was Sarah. "Let's go get lunch." I hear her.
They walk off.

I was left alone in he hallways.
"Huh.." I mumble to myself.


Finally schools over, I walk out of the school to the parking lot.
I see Sarah on her phone. I walk up to her.

"Hey.." I say behind her.
She walks away.. Wow. Did she just reject me?

I walk to her again. She was sitting on the bench. I sat next to her.
"What do you want?" She says. "You, that's what I want." I say with a smirk on my face.

A car pulls up, it was James. Sarah gets in the car.
" do you want me to drop you off at a friends house or go home?" I hear him say.

Before she replies, she rolls up her window. And talks to James back. I couldn't hear her.

They drive away..

I walk to my car.
"Sarah, just wait, I'll be yours again, even if you try." I say to myself.

Sarah's POV

I was in the car. I roll up the window so Alex won't hear me so he won't know where I'll be.

"Take me to Mias house please." I say.
"Oh, I was going there after I drop you off, so I guess we're going together." He replies.

Good, I didn't want to be alone with Mia.
I wanted all of us together having fun, I enjoy that.

I text Mia that me and James are coming over.
She replies with a ok and a smiley face. So it must be a yes.


We pull up to Mias house.
Before we can knock or ring the doorbell, Mia opens the door.

"Come on in." She says.
We walk in greeting her parents, then we go to her room and play Mario Cart.



pls vote and share.

I'll see you guys LATERRRRR



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