Chapter Three

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I'm on the green room couch an hour before rehearsal is supposed to start. Unsurprisingly, my total hours of sleep amounted to a grand total of three. I find myself drifting off on the couch; it's quiet and the couch is plush and welcoming. My eyes struggle to remain open. I give in, letting my eyelids droop down and my head fall further into the throw pillow. I might just be able to get a good nap in before I have to act like the most high energy person I've ever seen for my character in Pippin. I turn over, ready to sleep.

"You'll never guess who got pneumonia!" Penny practically shouts. I groan and turn back over.

"No, I probably won't," I mumble.

"Gareth." That one word is enough to wake me up like a double shot of espresso.

"Penny, tell me you didn't spell him so he'd get sick."

"No! After you left, it got late and Gareth and I stayed to run a scene. After we wrapped up and Gareth was gathering his things, it started drizzling and I knew that this boy who I'd just done a miserable scene with had to walk back to Mummers so I hid his jumper."

"You're kidding." Penny shakes her head. "Do you know how painful it is to have pneumonia? You really shouldn't have done this."

"Do you know how painful it would've been to have Gareth play Pippin during the actual show? It's for the greater good. Now, we've still got a good hour before rehearsal so you better go brush up on your lines."

"I don't know whether to thank you or annoyed with you."

"Oh, don't thank me. Just get me roses for opening night and we'll call it even."

"Deal. Now let me take a nap."

"But you're going to be Pippin-"

"Penny, let's be honest here. I know those lines forwards and backwards by now."

Penny shrugs and leaves me so I can get some sleep. Finally, alone at last. I think as I nestle my head into the pillow. Silence falls quickly, and sleep follows close behind.

A theater. The stage lights are on, house lights are off, and it's a full house. I look down and I'm wearing the Pippin costume. I recognize the scene: it's the one where I'm supposed to kiss Agatha, or well, Agatha's character. I turn to Agatha, and she's facing away from me, singing. When she turns around to say the line before we kiss, it isn't her face. The eyes are shockingly uninterestingly blue, unlike her own eyes. She kisses me and my eyes flutter shut. The kiss is indescribably perfect and romantic and even though we're on stage in front of hundreds of people it just feels like it's the two of us. When I pull away, there's no hint of Agatha. Her blonde hair is black. Where the hair should be straight and short it's now long and wavy and it meets in a widow's peak on the forehead. Agatha isn't even Agatha. She looks more boyish, and I find myself being more attracted to this version of her. Her lips curl into a smirk.


I wake up with a jolt. What the hell was that dream? I throw my legs off the couch and get up as quickly as I can. The word "why" repeats in my head as I force myself over to the water fountain and splash water on my face.

I wish I could say that, after that moment, I stopped thinking about him and the dream. Not even close. When I walk around every corner, I pray to Merlin I wouldn't run into him. When I'm onstage, I look everywhere except the orchestra pit. I'm a mess. Where I lost a night of sleep over fear a little while ago, I'm more afraid I'll lose a night of sleep tonight over thinking about the dream and whatever weird infatuation my subconscious has.

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