Chapter One

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I look at my watch for the umpteenth time. Finally it's time for orchestra rehearsal.

I grab my violin and start listening to Pippin's original cast recording on my iPod in anticipation. I love the songs so much, I just couldn't help volunteering to be a part of the orchestra pit.

"We've got magic to do..." I sing as I walk down to the theater from Mummer's house. The theater is fairly new, but then again so is the orchestra and the arts program at Watford in general. After Mitali Bunce became Headmistress, she instituted an arts program. Now orchestra is my home. After a long day of spells, there's no greater comfort than playing violin amidst other musically talented people and making beautiful music.

With a skip in my step, I enter the theater lobby. I look around in awe. The cream colored back wall has dozens of photos from the winter when they performed Hamlet, and the carpet is red just like movie premiers. I look to my right and there's a box office with brightly colored posters up to advertise our production of Pippin. I look at the credits: Directed by Francesca Hagwood, Featuring: Our Own Live Watford Orchestra Conducted by Reese Webber.

Orchestra! That's me!!! I'm on a poster!

I check my watch. Five minutes until rehearsal. I decide to mill about in the lobby, and end up in front of the pictures from Hamlet on the back wall. The pictures give away the quality of the production. There isn't much set or costumes, which make sense because they probably had no budget, but it does not seem to be a modern interpretation either. All the pictures are of actors mid-line, catching their passion and their talent. There must be dozens of photos, but yet it seems that there's only one boy who's in all of them. He's got curly blond hair, broad shoulders, and he seems pretty tall. I don't think he was Hamlet though, as someone else is holding a skull from what I assume to be the "to be or not to be" bit of the play. Still, the blond seems more animated than Hamlet in all the pictures, and he seems to have a bigger range of emotions. I wonder if he's playing Pippin.

Still though, I suppose he wouldn't have to be Pippin to be good in this production. It's just that the director would have to be mental to not cast him, after what I've seen. I scan the rest of the photos on the wall. There's a surprisingly large amount of people that are in my classes that I recognize. I didn't know half of them even liked theater. I suppose they wouldn't know I like violin either.

I check my watch again. I'm still three minutes early.

I look to my left. The dark brown oak double doors to the theater, clearly marked by the "Please, No Food or Drink inside the Theater!" sign, are hidden towards the corner. There's also what looks to be a supply closet where some theater kids are getting snacks together. I check my watch again. Only one minute early, I better get in the theater. Two theater kids are at the doors, but that's alright. I walk towards them swiftly.

I hope they're nice.

As I approach the doors, a bloke with curly blond hair spins around just when I trip over my shoelace. I'm sent hurtling towards him and our heads collide. I recoil, my eyes squinted shut as I adjust to the pain. I rub my forehead, as if that'll dull the ache. Nice going, Baz. Now the theater kids are definitely going to want to be friends with you. I open my eyes and meet the judgmental gaze of the blond. I blink at him, unsure. Is this the one I saw on the Hamlet picture board? Except something's different about him in real life. I suppose he isn't wearing makeup, which is why his neck seems more freckled and... is that a mole? I break my eyes from his neck and meet his eyes, which his curly fringe is falling into. Crowley, his eyes are blue. Looking into them is like getting lost in a cloudless sky on a sunny day. Wait, is he looking at me?

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