Chapter 1: Common White Girls

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(Joey POV)


I suddenly wake up. It was a dream. Phew. Shane will be home soon.


Joey Mom: Are you up yet? You have school.


Joey: Yeah I am.


Did Shane sleep over at Lisa’s? I guess so. I find a light switch and turn it on. Oh my god. I live in Boston. Again?


Joey: Mom!


Joey Mom: What?


Joey: Where’s Shane? And why aren’t we in LA?


Joey Mom: Who are you talking about? And you’ve lived in Boston your whole life. Never left. Are you okay?


Joey: I… Yeah. I don’t know what I was saying.


It was literally all a dream? Shane doesn’t even exist? I start to cry. Why did this happen to me…


Nicole: Are you cry?


Joey: No.. of course not…


Nicole: Tell me what happened.


Joey: Why do you care all of a sudden?


Nicole: Hey! I can be nice when I want to.


I explain everything to her. In great detail.


Nicole: So.. You’re gay?


I nod. She probably thinks I’m gross. Great. How am I supposed to tell my Mom? Or Dad? He’ll hate me.


Nicole: You should tell mom. Not dad though. He’d kick your ass.


Joey: You don’t hate me?


Nicole: You’re my little brother. I couldn’t hate you.


I start to head down stairs.


Joey: Mom, I’m gay.


She gets a super surprised face. Uh oh.


Joey Mom: Um.. You sure?


Joey: Never more positive.


Joey Mom: Well thats.. uh.. good?


Joey: Yes!


I don’t think that went as well as I expected.


(Narrator POV)


Joeys Senior Year doesn’t go as planned. When he came out, his life fell apart. His dad hates him and all of his friends leave him except Meghan. She stayed and accepted him. It’s now after high school and Joey has made the decision to move to LA. After a few years of living there his YouTube starts to kick off.


(Shane POV)


Lisa: Shane… Wake up. Lauren just called saying you need to be there in 30 mins. With traffic the way it is you’ll be fucked if you don’t get going.


I groan. I know I have to go… Lisa practically yanks me out of bed and gives me a towel. I then shower and get ready. I’m already late so why not pick up coffee for her to stop her stressing. I drive to Starbucks.


Lady: Hi, what can I get you?


Shane: One Double Chocolaty Chip and one mocha.


Lady: Alright, wait over there. Hi, can I help you?


(Joey POV)


After 3 years of going to this Starbucks, you’d think she’d know what I want.


Joey: I’ll just have a Double Chocolaty Chip.


Why did I want that? The only person that… Nope. Done thinking about that.


Lady: Here sir.


Man: Thanks! Shit I’m really late.


Lady: Here uh.. Joey.


Joey: Thanks.


That guy seemed familiar. But I know I’ve never seen him. I need to get to know YouTubers. I want to go to VidCon too! That would be a great opportunity to meet people.


*At Vidcon*


???: You’re new! Who are you?

~So, yeah. A lot has changed since Chapter 14: #Shisa. Let’s see how it plays out. Love youuuu! Byeee!~

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