Chapter 9: Joeys in the A Team

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(Joey POV)

Joey: You sprayed my cologne in your car?

Shane: It smells like you… and I missed you..

Joey: Awww! I love you too much boy!

Shane: I honestly was going into depression without you! It was horrible! I’m sure by now that I gained 20 lbs.

Joey: You look great! If anything I’m sure you lost weight. It looks like you haven’t eaten a lot while I was gone.

Shane: The only thing I ate was half a tub of ice cream with Lisa.

Joey: You ate ice cream without me? What the hell!

We laugh. I missed him so much. All of a sudden, my head starts hurting.

Shane: What’s wrong?

Joey: My head hurts really bad.

Shane: How many times did he inject you?

Joey: Enough. I’ll be fine.

Shane: You’re sweating, you’re not fine. I think you’re going through withdrawal.

Joey: Is that bad?

Shane: You’re going to hate the rest of this week.

Joey: Can you stay home with me then?

Shane: I can try. We still have to tell the police about Luke.

I wince at that name. He drugged me. He was my best friend, and he kidnapped me.

Joey: I’m freezing!

Shane: I see that. You’re shaking bad. We should see the doctor.

Joey: But-

Shane: No. You need to. The doctor can tell you what he gave you.

Joey: Fine..

Shane: And..

Joey: What now!

Shane: Well, I guess you don’t want to finish our date…

Joey: I do! I’m sorry!

He laughs.

Shane: Good. I love you.

He looks at me, and leans in for a kiss.

Authors Note:

ERMEGERD. I haven’t been around in ages! I decided to upload this tonight. I’ll upload one tomorrow too! Love yous! Byes! <3

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