Chapter 13: Where in the Devil Am I?

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(Joey’s POV)


Why… The tears just keep falling. I can’t believe this… This has to be a dream. It has to be! I pinch my self and wince at the pain.




Sawyer: Dude calm down…


Joey: Are you fucking kidding me? Calm down? After I just fucking lost the love of my life. Fuck you Sawyer.


I walk away, too pissed off to see his reaction. Good thing my car is here. I climb into Satsuki and just drive. I don’t know where to but I shall drive till I can’t drive no more.


*7 Hours Later*


Holy freakin crap. Where the devil am I? I’ve been driving for hours… I see a sign!


*Welcome to Grass Valley, largest city in Nevada County*


Oh hell, I have no idea where I am. Great. Better find a Motel.


(Sawyer’s POV)


Meghan: Did you try to call again?


Sawyer: It’s been 7 hours… I left 10 voice mails. He isn’t coming back.


Meghan: But he doesn’t even know…




(Joey’s POV)


I slept like shit. I check my phone and it’s already 1pm. I’m starving! Satsuki needs gas! First I’ll get gas, then go out to eat. Where in the hell is there a restaurant. Ooh! There’s one!


-South Pine Cafe-


Looks good enough for me.


*An hour later*


Maybe I should go home? No Joey! Just keep going. You got nothing else to lose.


(???’s POV)


I’m coming to get you Joey!



That’s right Joey! You better watch out! Someone’s coming for you!- On that note, sorry again for another short chapter. I’m definetely uploading a longer one hopefully. If not, then I’ll go for a 3rd chapter! Love me yet? I hope so.. *sits and crys because no one loves me* LOVE YOU BYEEEEE!


Where Did You Go [Sequel to Waiting On You]Where stories live. Discover now