Time to go!

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(Ok, before you read anything just know that in the beginning of this story is not written in a nice format, but please, give it a chance, it gets better the more you go, i swear, i was still learning how to write well at the time i started writing this, so please don't be to hard on me, i am editing this just to let you guys know that i wrote the beginning a while ago, thanks!)

  Jonathan's pov: 

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the time. "why the hell did I set my alarm for 4 in the morning?". I groaned put my head back on my pillow and closed my eyes again, Then I remembered, I'm eyes shot open. "Shit! I need to get ready! I'm gonna miss my flight!" I got out of bed as quick as I could and ran across my room to my dresser. I grabbed a white t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans and got dressed as fast as I could. I ran out of my room and ran downstairs, All of my luggage was but the front door. did I remember everything? I really hope, I have no time to check. I was still walking when I tripped and fell flat on my face. "ow shit, what the hell?" I looked on the floor to find nothing, I must have tripped over my own feet. I got up off the floor and ran to the door, I grabbed my favorite blue hoodie before I grabbed my things and walked out the door. I found my house keys in my pocket and locked my door.

(time skip to on the plane because I'm lazy af cx)

The plane was so boring, But I was listening to music most of the way there so that help a little bit. I couldn't stop thinking about Evan, I'm so excited to see him again. Even though we talk all the time online, I just get so giddy just thinking that I'm going to see him again. The last time we saw each other face to face was a few years ago, Tyler had invited us all to his place for his birthday, That was the first time I had met all of the guys in person. 

(flash back to Tylers birthday) 

 I walked up to the house and looked at my texts hoping I read the address right, I stepped up on the porch and knocked on the door. "Coming!" I heard shuffling then the door open, "hello? can I help you?" I remember seeing pictures of the guys, but I never bothered showing them my face, but by looking at this guy I knew it was Tyler, "Tyler?" I asked, he looked at me confused and raised an eyebrow."Yes?? that's me, can I help you?" He doesn't recognize me? I thought the hockey mask would have given it away.  I moved my hand to my face to fix my mask... but it wasn't there, I didn't have it on! I turned around and cussed under my breath. "Shit...my mask must be in my bag" I felt a hand on my shoulder. "wait... did you just say mask? Delirious? is that you?" I don't say anything and just nod my head, and in under a second I feel a strong embrace. "dude it's nice to finally meet you, the real you and not the guy under the mask. come on in, the rest of the guys are here already" Tyler grabs my hand and drags me inside.He dragged me into the living room and everyone was here sitting and talking with each other. "hey guys! looks who's here!" Tyler shouted. Everyone turned around and looked at him confused, they had no idea who I was. I rubbed the back of my neck as I spoke. "umm hey guys" All of their eyes widened at the sound of my voice."D-Delirious? is that you?" I followed the voice that was specking to a guy with blacked spiked hair and chocolate brown eyes. "Evan?" The guy stood up and walked over to me and hugged me, "it's nice to finally meet you" I hugged him back."you to Evan"

(end of flash back)

Jon's pov 

I woke up to someone shaking me."sir? the plane landed" I opened my eyes to see one of the flight attendants, I stood up from my set, grabbed my things and got off the plane, I was walking around the airport when I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I jumped and screamed and turned around to see Evan standing there laughing. "you bitch!" I yelled, He stopped laughing and caught his breath, "oh come on Del, that was funny" he walked over to me and hugged me and I hugged him back. "Good to see you again Delirious" his voice basically purred in my ear witch made me blush a little, "you to Evan, you to"

(not the best start, but I hope you guys like it so far, and if you want me to keep writing it then tell me and I'll continue it^^) 

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