in your dreams...

703 11 2

Jon's pov

my eyes slowly open to a dark room, it was quiet, I could only hear the sound of my breathing.


There was no responce, I try to sit up right but my body refuses to move, I manage to lift my head to see that I'm chained to the bed.

"Hello Jon"

The voice sounded so familier... But I couldn't place who it was.

"Where the fuck am I? What do you want with me?"

I shifted my head to the left to see the outline of a figuer sitting a few feet away from the bed, they chuckled like all of this was nothing but a joke.

"You'll find out in good time Jon, but for now the only thing you get to know is that I'm always in your mind"

"The fuck are you talking about? Let me go!" I struggle to get out of the chains, but they were to strong, my thrashing did nothing.
The figuer chuckled again and moved towards me, and with a swift mostion of their hand I felt something cold against my neck, I froze, sweat started to form on my forehead, I still couldn't see the figuers face, but I could tell they were smiling.

"You think you're "safe"?'re dead wrong, you'll never be safe from me"

The objet on my neck started to slide accros my neck, I screamed in pain and heard the figuer laugh.
My eyes force themsleves open and I shot up from my bed grabbing my chest breathing heavily. My door burts open and Evan ran over to me.

"What happened?! Are you ok?"

" was just a bad dream..." I fall back onto the bed trying to relax and let my heart rate go back to normal, Evan sighed with relive as he got up and started walking out of the room.

"Please don't go yet" I begged

He turned around and looked at me with a gentle smile, he walked back over to the bed and sat down on the edge.

"How about we just go downstairs? Tyler is here and he got worried when you screamed"

Before I could say anything Evan grabbed my hand and dragged me out of bed and downstairs. We make it to the living room to find it empty.

"Where the fuck did he go? He was just here"

Before Evan could say anything else, I was knocked to the ground with someone on my back.

"HAHA got ya bitch!" Tyler yelled as he pinned me.

"You asshole! Get off me!" I laughed trying to get to my feet, but Tyler refused to move. After about two minutes of him sitting on me he got off me and helped me up.

"It's good to see ya again Del" Tyler smiled and pulled me into a bro hug.

"You to dude" I smile as we all move to the couch and sit down.

"Hey, why did you scream? It sounded like you were being murderd or something?" Tyler looked at me confused and a little worried.

" was just a bad dream, it felt so real..."

After a few miuntes Evan broke the unwanted silence.

"Let's just drop it for now alright? We can worry about it later, the others should be here soon anyways"

Me and Tyler both nod and I stand up and head for the kitchen.

"Yo Evan? Got anything good?" I open the firge door and he closes it shuting it on my finger.

"OW! You bitch!"

He laughed as I grab my hand, I look at him in anger but I couldn't help but laugh with him.

"That's what you get for being greedy"

"How the fuck was that being greedy? I'm hungry man ok?"

He laughs a little and opens the frige door once again, he grabs a box of strawberries and hands them to me.

"Here just snak on thoes, I know that you really like strawberries" (i actually have no clue, just role with it cx)

"Thanks Evan" I walk over to the kitchen table and sit down, Evan joins me and trys to steal a strawberrie from the box, I slap his hand before he can touch them.

"Ow! Hey! I want some too" he makes puppy dog eyes and quwivers his lips, I couldn't help but give in to thoes chocolate brown eyes and move the box to the middle od the table to share.

"Fine, but only this once"

His face lit up like a child on christmas morning.


We both started eating the strawberries and talking about random things, and as time past, minutes turnd into hours. I don't know how long we were sitting there, but I loved every second of it.

A/N-Hey all my hunters and huntresses! I know i haven't posted in a while but here you go^^ I will add a lot more to Evans side as well but I nees to think more cx but I really do hipe you guys are liking my storie and I know some of you are mad because I'm nkt the best writer and I take to long to post, but its really hard for ne to with school so I hope you can forgive me for that, but that's all for now and I will see all of you guys in the next chapter^^

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