you have to tell him!

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Tyler's pov

I had just arrived at Evan' places, it was 4am, which was normal for vampires. I had just gotten to the door, and before I could knock, it opened, I saw Evan standing in front of me with a red liquid running down the side of his mouth and to his chin. 

"oh, hey Tyler!" he smiled and stepped aside inviting me in, I gladly walked through the door and smile, He shut the door behind me and gave me a bro hug. "hey dude! nice to see ya again, but umm, you got a little something on your mouth" he looked at me confused for a second then wiped his mouth, looking at the red on his sleeve. "oh oops. I must have missed some" he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "hey it's fine dude,*sniff,sniff*  is that Delirious? is he here?" Evan nodded and pointed to the sealing. "he's asleep, he was really tired when he got here" He put his hands in his pockets and walked over to the couch, I followed and sat beside him, He leaned back and took a deep breath in smelling the air and smiled. I looked over at him and he looked dazed with the sent, "you still like him Evan?" He snapped his head in my direction and he gave me a look, his face went from a pale color to a bright red, I've never seen any vampire turn this red. He looked down putting his head in his hands and nodded. "you need to tell him Evan" He lifted his head and looked at me as if he were about to cry. "are you kidding?! he's a mortal, and he probably doesn't even feel the same way, what if he hates me when I tell him? what if he gets scared of me?" I out my hand on his shoulder. "it's always "what if" with you isn't is? Evan, he's your best friend, there's no way in hell he would hate you, and yes he's a mortal, but that doesn't mean you can't be together, just think it over, ok?" He smiled a little and nodded, Then he stood up and walked toward the door,  "hey, I'm gonna go for a run, you coming?" I fell back onto the couch and grabbed the remote. "Nah, I'm just gonna chill here for a bit if that's cool?" He smiled and nodded and within the blink of an eye he was gone.


hey guys! Huntress here,again  not the best but I hope you guys are liking it^^ and I was thinking, I might do a Q&A with some of the characters in the story later on? I don't know. but if I do, please give them some questions and they'll answer^^ but anyway, see you guys in the next chapter!  

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