tell me more

430 7 3

jons' pov

I sit up and rub my eyes, looking around the dark room until my eyes adjust, I look over at the alarm clock on the night stand next to the bed, It was 4:30 in the morning. I exhale and sit up getting out of bed and walk out of the bed room and out to the hallway, I walk carefully to the stairs trying not the run into anything, but me being clumsy I take a faulty step at the bottom of the stairs and slip. But before I hit the floor I feel someone grab my arm keeping me up. I look at who grabbed me thinking it was one of my friends, but my eyes widen, it was a girl I've never seen before. She helps me stand and looks at me, it was hard to see her in the dark.

"Are you ok?" she asks, I nod my head slightly and she lets go of my arm and turns walking to the kitchen, I follow and turn on the lights, now I can see her better, her hair was short and black, she wasn't that tall and she had quiet a bit of freckles on her face, her eyes were almost as dark as her hair. She looks at me for a moment and then sits at the table, she nods at the other chair and I join her. 

"I'm Midnight, I'm Evans younger sister" she says, so he wasn't kidding, he actually does have a little sister, but, she doesn't even look anything like him. She snaps her fingers in front of my face causing me to come out of my trance and shake my head slightly, I look over at her and she raises an eye brow. 

"Oh, sorry, kinda zoned out for a minute there, I'm Jon, Evans friend" I say, she smiles and extends arm, I smile back and shake her hand. 

"So what are you doing up?" she asks.

"I was gonna ask you he same thing" I say, she gets up and walks to he fridge grabbing a box of strawberries, she brings them back and sets them in he middle of the table, I smile and take one. 

"Just like you read my mind" I say with a laugh, she just smiles and nods. we both begin to eat, the silents was awkward, but also calming at the same time, I smile thinking of the time me and Evan did this the first night I was here, it was nice, and peaceful. 

"So, tell me a little bit about yourself Jon" Midnight says, I look over to her and she smiles. 

"What do you want to know?" I ask, she shrugs then stands up and walks over to the coffee pot turning it on and grabbing two mugs. 

"Anything you want to tell me" she replies, I smile slightly. 

"Well, there isn't really much to know, I grew up in a somewhat of a big town, I've loved video games ever since I was young, I met all my friends through YouTube obviously" I say, she chuckles and walks back to the table handing me a cup of coffee, I smiles and thank her taking a sip as does she. We sit in silents for a few more minutes I then decide to return the question. 

"What about you? tell me a bit about yourself" I say. She hesitates keeping her mouth shut then looks down, I rub the back of my head, did I ask her something she didn't want to talk about? I open my mouth to apologize but she cuts me off.

"No no, it's ok, just needed to collect my thoughts" she say, I nod and let her continue. "The town me and Evan lived in wasn't very big,  but we liked it, but once Evan was old enough he moved out to here, I lived b-" she shakes her head slightly. "With my parents ever since, then I came to see Evan, that's all really" I raise an eyebrow, she tilts her head slightly in confusion.

"What?" she asked. 

"That was only about where you lived, not about you, come on, i wanna know what you like or dislike or what games you play" I say, she then puts her head on her hand keeping it up. "Oh, that's what you mean, I mean, I never really disliked anything or anyone, it was them that didn't like me, a lot of people hated me, that's another reason I came to visit Evan" she says, I raise my eyebrow again, hated her? what? but she seems like a nice girl. 

"Why?" I ask, she smiles slightly. "I'm special" was her only reply, I open my mouth to say something but she cuts me off again.

"That's all i'm telling you" she says with a smile, I pout. "Come on, tell me more" I say, she giggles and shakes her head, I keep pouting. it was only a few minutes later when Evan walked into the kitchen. 

"Jon? Midnight? what are you two doing up?" he asks walking over to the coffee pot and turning it on. "Talking" Midnight says, he gives us a look of confusion then shrugs. I look at the time, it was now 7 in the morning, it hadn't felt that long, but we have been up for a few hours and my brain was not liking me right now, I stand up and stretch then start walking to the stairs. 

"I'm gonna go get some more sleep, I feel really tired now" I say to them, they both nod and I start to walk up the stairs"

"It was nice to meet you Jon" Midnight says, I smile and nod in response then walk to my room and falling on my bed, it wasn't soon later I feel my eyes start to get heavy, I don't fight it I let the sleep take over. 

I open my eyes  again, it was pitch black, I look around, and see nothing, but seconds later, I hear a chuckle, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I almost screamed when I hear someone ask.  

"Do you think you could get rid of me that easily?" 


hey all my hunters and huntresses! I'm so sorry for not posting in so long but i've been trying to come up with ideas that you guys will like, I really hope you guys are liking the story and thank you to the ones that have kept reading since the beginning of the story, it really means a lot to me, but that's all i have to say for now, i will see all you guys, in the next chapter, see ya! 

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