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Jon's pov

Me and Evan had just got out of the airport and we were walking to his car, It was freezing cold, it sent chills up my spine.Evan looked over at me with those beautiful chocolate eyes,"You cold Del? don't worry, we'er almost to the car" he smiled at me and I smiled back. I will never know how he is used to this weather. About a minute of walking we made it to his car, he unlocked it and we got in and he turned  on the heat, "Fucking finally, it was freezing out there" I heard him chuckle as he turned on the radio and stereo hearts started to play, I started to  sing along with the song. "My heart's a stereo it beats for you so listen close" I was cut off when Evan started to sing along,"Hear my thoughts in ever no-o-o-te, make me your radio and turn me up when you feel low, This melody was meant for you, Just sing along to my stereo" I joined back in and we sang together, we sounded pretty good. But finally the song ended and the next one started. "Damn Del, we sound good together" I smiled, "Hell yeah we do! and you can call me Jonathan, or Jon, what ever you think sounds better" he was quite for a moment and looked like he was thinking about something, then he spoke. "Jon? after so many years of knowing you, I finally know your name,heh, it's nice to finally know" he smiled, I felt bad for not telling him my name...I should have told him when we first met. I sigh and sit back in my set, it was quiet the rest of the ride, the only sound was the sound of the radio.

Evan's pov

 It was driving my crazy, I could hear his blood flowing through his veins, I wanted to lean over and bite his neck and drink. But I can't, what would he think of me if I did? your... would I not be able to stop myself and drink to much and kill him... I shake my head for the thought of me killing Jon, but I want to taste him. maybe tonight when he's asleep, I-I can drink just a little...n-no Evan! don't think like that! he'll never forgive you if you do that...If he finds out he'll hate me.  we pull into my drive way and I look over at Jon,his eyes are shut and he's snoring a little. I chuckle and get out of the car and go to the passenger side and open the door and get Jon out of the car and hold him bridle style in my arms. he presses his head against my chest and shivers, I start to walk inside and open the door. As I walk inside I shut the door behind me with my foot and take Jon to the guest room and carefully put him on the bed and cover him with a blanket. he looks so cute when he sleeps, so peaceful.  I sigh and leave the room and go to get his bags out of my car, once I get back in I go downstairs to the basement walk over to my oak cupboard and open it reveling bags of red liquid. I grab one of the bags rip it open and chug it down in seconds. The blood felt good going down my throat as it cured my thirst, I throw the bags away and head back upstairs. I shut the basement door and lock it. I can't risk Jonathan seeing what's down there, I step away from the door and go to the living room. I sit down on the couch and turn on the t.v and start looking through the channels for something to do, I stop on a random one and watch the show,  I don't  really pay any attention to it, my thoughts are stuck on Jon. I can't let him find out...I love him to much to lose him... I sat there for the rest of the night, with nothing but my thoughts.


sup guy^^ I really hope you guys are liking the story so far, I'm gonna try and post as much as I can but that will be a little hard on a count of school, But I will try and post on a regular basis, but if I do go missing for a while I do apologize for that, but I hope you guys are ok with that and I will see you guys soon, peace out guys!         

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