Chappie 4 - Expertly Exasperated

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Y/n slammed her hand over her phone. The alarm clock was irritatingly loud to her sensitive ears. She got off her bed and repeated the same routine she has been for the past two days to pass the time. After putting on some pump up music, she did a few stretches before getting on her hands and knees. She lifted her legs and stayed on her toes as she began to do her regularly scheduled push ups. After thirty sets, she moved to sit ups, then planking, then squats.

Just for the fun of it, Y/n began to do hand stands and flips. Sure, it was entertaining but it also gave her body a chance to adjust to the skill her mind knew. Her body was covered in sweat as she trudged her way to the bathroom. Once the pouring water was started, she took off her clothes and stepped inside.

It's been two days. Two days was how long Slendy's been away. It was a huge set back for Y/n since he was the only one that would be able to tell her if Tommy was around. Y/n pressed Masky further about Tommy like how he met him in the first place. Masky continued to say that he only met him once. The boys she had injured recovered but refused to forgive her. The only good that was in the two days was how y/n's fingernails began to grow back. She was no longer in need of her bandages that restricted her.

Please refrain from kicking the water. Y/n grunted as she stubbed her toe on the shower wall. She sighed as she continued to clean her body instead of mindlessly kicking the pouring water. You're lucky you didn't break your toe. I'll break what ever I want to break. Then what gets wetter as it dries? Octopuses are not as weird as squids. Octopuses can survive out of water.

Y/n stepped out of the shower as the steam began to overpower her. She grabbed a towel and quickly exited the hot bathroom. She dried her wet body, only dabbing her stomach due to the painful wounds. She threw her towel on a hook to dry. She lazily walked over to her drawers and took out her preferred undergarments. As she put on her bra and underwear, a knock at the door was heard. Y/n casually walked over and answered it.

"Yes?" Y/n asked with her half naked body exposed, door confidently opened all the way.

"Uh, you're naked." Clockwork choked out.

Y/n shrugged, "Not fully. But I can be." She smirked.

"No thanks. Slendy's back and needs to talk to you." Clockwork finished.

"Alright. I'll be out soon. I know my way there."

Clockwork nodded and left, taking one last awkward glance at her. Y/n continued to change into a pair of black pants with a blue velvet shirt and a black jacket. She combed her (h/c) hair and left it down. She exited her room, closing the door behind her incase someone intended to steal her loose hairs and make a clone of her. Y/n made her way to Slendy's office where she opened the door without a knock.

Slendy looked towards the door, "Good. You're here."

"Well, you did request me." Y/n shrugged and silently acknowledged EJ's and Puppeteer's presence.

"That I did." Slendy nodded and stood from his large desk. He walked over to a burning fire place with his long arms behind his back.

"Cp/n, do you intend to stay here? As a Creepypasta? Apart of us?" Slendy ominously asked.

Y/n sarcastically chuckled, "That is if I don't impose."

"Good. But there are rules."

"Name 'em."

"You must devote yourself to me. You must heed to my commands and tolerate the other residents."

Mmh, sounds like the night we had together.

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