Chapter 8 - Forget This

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Why did this happen. Why was this happening? There was silence in the room. Helena had fallen onto the bed. He wasn't breathing. His eyes were gone. Nothing but empty sockets. Y/n's mouth was covered by her hand, vaguely drowning out her terrified scream.

It wasn't long before the door to the room opened. Jeff being to closest to Helena's room, opened the door. Once he saw the lifeless body on the bed, he turned to Y/n, surprised that she would to this. But he couldn't bring himself to believe it was her. After all, she was soaked in her own tears and there was not a signal drop of blood anywhere.

"What did you do?" Jeff asked. His voice was so eerily calm.

"I-I didn't! I didn't do anything!" Y/n stuttered back.

Jeff stomped towards her and grabbed her by the collar, "What did you tell him?"

"What?" Y/n gasped.

"Did you tell him the truth? Did you not follow the script?!" Jeff shouted as genuine fear filled his eyes.

"What do you mean!" Y/n shouted back, tears falling out of confusion.

Jeff put her down and ran his hands through his hair out of stress.

"You're not supposed to tell us! Not you! We were just suppose to play along! You weren't supposed to tell us we're.... How could you do this?"

"No. No, it wasn't me. I didn't do it. It wasn't me. No...." Y/n voice was quivering as well as her body. She knew what she had done and she didn't even realize she was suppose to not do it.

Jeff was desperate, "Wish him back! Do something! You're the main character!! You need to do something before we all turn into that!!" He pointed at the lifeless corpse.

"I don't know what to do!!"

"Tell the voices to do something!!!! Anything!!!!"

"WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO JEFF! I'm not even me!! The people are the ones that deem themselves me, that's who I'm suppose to be!!! Their name is my name. I don't even know my real name! These clothes aren't even mine! It's up to them. My hair, my eyes? They decide what that look like and they decide what I'm thinking and right now, AND THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON SO HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW!!!?" Y/n was no longer crying, Y/n wasn't frowning, her face was completely poker now.

Jeff turned to her, eyes widened.

"They even decide what you wear too. Sometimes it's your signature white hoodie and black jeans or they could even put you in a unicorn suit, totally up to them."

"You're not talking like yourself." Jeff cut in.

"Jeff's hands were shaking. The killer was scared. More confusion took over him as he heard Y/n's words. He didn't understand why she was narrating his actions and thoughts. Hell, he didn't even know if what was happening was about to happen to him. But what Jeff doesn't know is that I'm not narrating him, I'm controlling him. I'm here to decide what I do with anyone in this story and beyond.

"Jeff suddenly back up and ran out of the room to look for help. He now realized that he would be next if he stayed any longer. Now I was alone. There was only me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me!!!" Y/n looked around, wondering about what had just happened.

Y/n didn't realize what just happened. She didn't realize the true power that controlled this scenario, the true power that can control her life as much as It wanted. For it isn't the world bringing her back into life over and over. She doesn't know that It's here. Author is the one who keeps brining Y/n back for more and more pain. More and more backstory. Why does Author do this?

Because I can.

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