Chapter 9 - We're Done

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Y/n didn't want this. She didn't want things to end this way. But how else is it suppose to end? There's no other way.

"Why?" She spoke, "Why does it have to be like this?"

Long blue braids swung back and forth as I approached her. I kneeled down, raising her chin.

"I didn't want it to end this way, really. But I couldn't think of a better way to end this. Tell me, what's better than this? I've given you every chance to find something better. I let you live for so long, and for what? Something you'll regret? I wanted this to be something special, something sweet. But now I realize, the first time I messed up was when I tried to end it. When I tried to finally let this end in a way I thought was happy but it only left more questions. All of this, tell me, was it worth it?" Jinx spoke.

They both watched as the world around them, even the floor they sat on, the wall they lean on, began to disappear. Nothing but white Purgatory. There were bodies spread out in the white blankness. Y/n stood and began walking towards them. Jinx followed as she continued to explain her actions.

"I'm the author of this world. I decided everything. But what I couldn't do was choose an ending. I guess it's pretty selfish to want all the endings. I wanted every outcome. Then, little by little, it became meaningless to me. I was bored of it. There were so many imitations from the original pastas, so many stories, so many fanficions that followed. That's when I realized that no matter what ending I chose, it would had already been done. So, what better way to end it than to break the fourth wall?"

"Why? Why do you have to be so cruel?" Y/n asked as she cried over the body of one of her friends.

"Me? Cruel? You're right. Because of me you were born, Y/n. Or should I call you the Main Character? Do you know how many people died because of you? In reality, none. But your parents, you were the one who did that."

"No! My dad killed my mother! I just wanted to protect my family and he took it away!!" Main Character shouted back as she squeezed the lifeless body of Jane.

"You mean him?" Jinx made Main Character's parents appear. Like everyone else, they were lifeless. They stood tall and empty.

"See, what you didn't know what that your mother was going to die if she had Tommy. It didn't matter that your father killed her. He wanted her to get an abortion which was the only way that she could live. That was the love of his life, he'd sacrifice and unborn child to have a happy family with one child.

"When he attacked and killed her, what you didn't know what that your mother was in agonizing, unimaginable pain. Your father was crying when he killed her but you never noticed. The only way he could convince himself that this was the right thing to to do, to continue killing that woman, was to drink away his pain, was to shout, was to curse, was to mindlessly stab. Even the line 'YOU LITTLE WHORE! I TOLD YOU TO KILL THAT STUPID KID' was him just wanting her to get an abortion so she could live. He was doing everything he could to make her not have the baby and you, just a child, saw it as something cruel because your mother told you it was." Jinx pushed the father to the ground, falling down to Main Character's level.

"Your mother was a selfish rich girl. She fell in love with your father, a man who worked his fingers to the bone just to get everything and anything he wanted. He was a construction worker, even a damn good architect. Your mother had made him fall for her and he married her. But, when he realized she wasn't faithful, he had no choice but to stay because of the growing fetus in her womb. You were born, she quickly went back to being unfaithful, and had your brother.

"In the end, they were both good people. She gave up her life to have a second child and he killed her to free her from the pain. But then you took the next step and killed him." Jinx pushed her mother over, sending her down in front of Main Character.

"But, if you think about it, none of this is your fault. It's mine. And guess what, I only get praise for it. People keep telling me that I've made such a good story but we both know they're so wrong. I continued the cliché of a bad father and a helpless mother. They never stopped to think that the Main Character's parents were actually good people. That I just wanted them to seem so horrible that you, a child, didn't get hate for killing them."

Main Character crawled over to her parents. And cradled them. She cried over the fact that she never truly knew them.

"There are very few people who can actually see that this story is so over done. I actually kind of like it when I get hate for this story. It makes me realize all the wrong that are in here, all the dumb over done plots. I don't mind it. I mean, come on! Do you really think a child could kill a grown man? Your father let you kill him! The guilt was too much. He loved your mother even if the feeling was washing away. He let his young daughter kill him on purpose. Otherwise, if he really was just and angry man who wanted to stab someone with something other than his dick, he would have easily killed you." Jinx shrugged.

"Why did you have to give me this backstory?" Main Character cried.

Jinx chuckled slightly, "How else were you supposed to become a creepypasta? How else were you suppose to fall in love with them?"

"You... You killed my brother just because you wanted an interesting story? Because you wanted me to be in love? You never thought about the fact I would hurt!?"

"No. I did think of it. I was counting on it. While you were in your weak state, who else would come sweep you off your feet other than the pastas?"

Main Character wanted to attack Jinx, she wanted to kill her. But, since she was the only one keeping her alive and since she was the one that controlled her every action, she couldn't.

"Now, hurry up and say goodbye to your family before I throw you away just like everyone else."

With the snap of her fingers, Jinx summoned Tommy. Main Character could only cry as she held them close. Her little brother she raised, her father she killed, her mother who wasn't so innocent as she thought. As much as she wanted to, Main Character couldn't blame herself because it wasn't her fault. It never was.

She placed a kiss on each of her family members forehead.

She squeezed them tightly.

Then, all together, everyone vanished.

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