Chapter 8

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RECAP:  Kiko and L returned from Wammys and Kiko went to go visit her uncle but he wasn't home it was just her cousin Ratio and she saw the beast thing from the Kira Footage.

***********************************************A/N: So I have to rush to update tonight because I had a lot of stuff to do and then I need some sleep.  So I'm still updating today but it might seem boring. Read on my Dearies!


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kiko POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I just stare at this huge hulking beast until Ratio pulls me inside. I hang my coat up and sit on the couch, relaxing in my childhood home.  My uncle and aunt were home very shortly and Uncle Yagami and I sat and talked until dinner was ready.   I ate then said there was a work emergency and had to rush off.  I drove to L and ran into his room breathless. "Ryuzaki! I found out some interesting things at dinner with my family.  My cousin Sayu has a boyfriend and cousin Ratio is apparently also called Light and is a cold blooded killer! How was your evening?" I gushed.  He looked shocked and said " Kiko, I need you to drop all ties to Light Yagami.   If he finds out you are working with me one if not both of us will die,".

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Third Person POV~~~~~~~~~

Kiko looked both scared and loved.   L stood there staring at her.  " I can't just drop all ties to the person who is like a brother to me!"  " You must.  It is for both of our lives." " No! He's FAMILY L.  FAMILY. AND YOU DON'T DO THAT TO FAMILY!"  "I'M SORRY KIKO BUT IT'S FOR THE BEST!" " I DON'T THINK IT IS L,  I DON'T THINK IT IS!" "GOD KIKO YOU ARE SO... SO... SO STUPID!" The hurt on Kiko's face was obvious.   L saw this and started to apologize but Kiko cut him off.  " Ok.  Ok then.  So that's how it is.  I see.  Goodbye L.  Good luck finding Kira.   On your own." With that,  Kiko left, leaving L's apology still on his lips.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

What had I done? The only person I had ever loved had just stormed out because I said the dumbest thing ever said by anyone ever.  Kiko was probably gone forever, and I had just let her walk out.  For being the worlds greatest detective,  I was a moron.   Kiko had  made my life make sense.  Now I had no one and it was all my fault.   I laid down in bed and cried until I passed out

*********************************************** The feels in this chapter.  Well I have to go now.   More tomorrow,  as always Vote, Add, and Comment!

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