Bellatrix, Harry and Scorpius.

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Scorpius is online

Bellatrix is online

Scorpius; Hello Bellatrix.

Bellatrix; If it isn't my favorite nephews-son!

Scorpius; I am your only... What is a nephews-son?

Bellatrix; y' know... My nephews son.... Duh?

Scorpius; Is that what it Is called?

Mysterious Voice; No.

Bellatrix; AH! 

Scorpius; Hello MV

Mysterious Voice; Hey Scorp.

Harry is online

Bellatrix; HARRY!

Harry; Hey Bella.

Mysterious Voice; Hello Harry!

Harry; Oh god no.... 

Mysterious Voice; It's Daaé isn't it?

Harry; No! It's Potter.

Bellatrix; Lestrange...

Scorpius; Malfoy.....

Mysterious Voice; That's not what I meant! 

Scorpius; But what did you then mean?

Mysterious Voice; Her name is Christine Daaé right... Not Daee?

Harry; How should we know?

Mysterious Voice; Dunno...

Bellatrix; Why don't you just get the Opera Ghost? 

Scorpius; *Phantom* *Cough cough*

Bellatrix; ._.

 Mysterious Voice; I can't get Erik... He's irritated with me.

Harry; Why?

Mysterious Voice; B' cause I called Christine, Raoul's Christine...

Bellatrix; Obviously.

Scorpius; Bye... 

Mysterious Voice; Bye!

Scorpius is offline

Mysterious Voice; Such a sweet boy!

Bellatrix; Yah... 

Bellatrix is offline

Harry; *Panicked*-Bye!

Harry is offline

Mysterious Voice; Oh well.... I have a tea party at the Mad Hatters place anyway.... -.- 

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