I'm really mad at myself cuz I haven't been updating. I will try to update in the weekends. I didn't wanna go back to school. At all. Today was the third day back and it felt like it had been a month. I dunno. People at my school piss me off. Just about all of them trigger me. So anyways. I only have 3 friends. 2 of them go to my school but I don't really trust them. I'm starting to trust them more. It's hard tho. Like my trust has been ruined so many times. Trust is like a piece if paper, once it's ruined it will never be the same. My third friend is online. He's my best friend. I trust him 100 percent with everything. He is a year younger than me. I had 2 other friends online but I dunno if I can really consider them friends. I dunno. It's frustrating. I mess things up. That's it. I just ruin things. I ruin people. I wanna be Barbie. Barbie has an amazing life. I wanna be perfect. I wanna have guys like me. I wanna have beautiful blonde straight hair with deep blue eyes. I wanna have perfect facial proportions. I wanna be Barbie. But in the process of trying to be perfect I ruined myself. I can never be Barbie.

Diary of a Cutter
RandomWarning: May be triggering. This is my story. My diary. I will update as often as I can.