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Taylor looked behind her and watched as the large tattooed man approached her boyfriend, Michael. Soon they would disappear from view. She knew Michael would be fine, despite being scrawny and several times smaller than the man. Taylor (and the rest of the team) knew something about Michael that most people didn't. Michael had a secret ability that made him extremely powerful, and dangerous.

Of course, that didn't stop Taylor from worrying, that man seemed...different...than the other mean-looking men around. When Taylor had accidentally bumped into his arm, she sensed something deeper than she would have previously thought. He'd looked down at her threateningly, but then Michael, his whole 5'4'', 120 pound self, stood in front of her and told the giant to back off.

When he didn't, Michael muttered to Taylor, "This might get ugly. Will you get everyone to the hotel, while I deal with this guy?"

"Yeah," she replied, hesitantly, "Just don't do anything stupid, okay? I have a bad feeling about this guy."

Michael smiled, but nodded.

Taylor turned to leave, but felt something holding her back, like, it was the last time she would see Michael. But that's ridiculous! she told herself. Michael will be fine! He'll beat this guy up, then catch up to us before we even reach the hotel.

At least, she hoped.

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