Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Meet Matt.

Wow. I am truly in a daze.

Dad picked me up after the incident. Yup. My dad. Well. He is my foster dad. That doesn't matter. At least he loves me.

When we got home, Dad told me to sleep and rest. He will wake me up when there is food.

I wen to my room. Anthony? Really?

The new Anthony will never do that. He would never risk losing his popularity by helping others. Said others being me.

The old Anthony, however, will puke his guts out if something wrong happens to me. He would beg for a hall pass just to see if I am fine.

Now is it really The old Anthony who helped me?


The next day....

Roe and Em are back. So I am now flunked by two really gorgeous girls who stayed by my side until now.

"So..." Em asked me. "I heard your trip to the clinic yesterday. What happened?"

"Is it one of your, uhm, visions?" Roe asked me.

I sighed. "Yup. Its coming back again. Probably because of the stress."

Em and Roe put their hands around me. "You need to be careful hun. Remember what Doctor Trish said. You may never come back from the vision." Roe said.

I sighed. I didn't talk anymore. I don't want them to know what happened yesterday.

My first class was literature with Professor Rick.

And my seatmate was Anthony.

Time to talk.

Luckily, Anthony was there without Vicky. Hmmm. Maybe they fought.

"Anthony. The nurse said you carried me to the clinic. Thanks." I said with the calmest voice possible.

He looked at me with a pained expression in his eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever."

Class passed by and Anthony was staring at me. I feel really intimidated.


Class ended and I decided to ditch. For the rest of the day I sat on the library. Reading books. I dont know what pushed me too ditch. But I already did so.....

The final bell rang. I gathered my things and went out of the library.I headed straight for my car when I saw a guy beside it.

Looks familiar. Reminds me of....

"Matt! Matt!" Oh my god. Its Matt.

"Hey! Hello there love."

Matt was my boyfriend. He went to private school for three years. He was transferring here though. I just didn't know it was today.

I gave him a hug and a kiss. "I missed you. So much."

He chuckled. "I missed you too babe. I missed you too."

I sighed deep in his chest. I could've sworn I saw Anthony fuming a few yards away.

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