↱ 1 ↲ The High School

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Apple Bloom's POV

Monday, September 3rd. 6:45 AM.

I woke up sprawled across my bed, the cozy pillow enveloping my face in warmth until a persistent voice shattered my morning peace.

"APPPPPPLEEEE BLOOOM!" The call was insistent, and I instinctively buried my face deeper into the pillow as if to escape the intrusion.

"APPLE BLOOOOM!" The voice grew more urgent, accompanied by a vigorous shake that sent me tumbling off the bed with a resounding thud.


Okay, that hurts as hell.... The impact left me wincing in pain, a sharp reminder of the unceremonious wake-up call.

"What?! Ouch, that really hurt!!" My response was laced with a coldness born of my disdain for early mornings, a trait that clashed with my generally amiable nature. I usually like mornings, especially when there's something to look forward to, but school days? Not really. Nevertheless, I kept my head up straight with a positive attitude.

My eyes fluttered open to meet the sight of my sister, Applejack, standing with hands on her hips, an expression of amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Oops, sorry!" Applejack's chuckle at my fall only served to irk me further.

Glaring with a mix of annoyance and indignation, my gaze softened after a moment as resignation settled in. I rubbed the sore spot on my rear end, trying to ease the throbbing pain.

"It is time," Applejack stated with a gravity that belied the early hour, prompting me to rouse myself from the floor and slump groggily onto the bed. My sister's cryptic statements often left me perplexed.

"For what?" My query hung in the air as I struggled to make sense of Applejack's enigmatic pronouncements.

"School. Your first day of high school!" Applejack's smile hinted at the excitement of the day ahead, a sentiment that I met with a groan and a swift retreat under my pillow.

"Get your f*ckin' lazy butt up already!" Applejack's jest broke the tension, drawing a quick, playful response from me.

"Oooh!" My voice chimed in, my bow bouncing with a touch of enthusiasm.

The rare instance of Applejack's colorful language prompted a surprised chuckle from me, my pink bow bobbing in agreement. 

"I will get changed then!" My resolve to face the day ahead began to take shape despite my initial reluctance. Glancing at the antique clock before me, a cherished gift from Granny Smith to assist with my time management, it displayed 7:00 AM. With school set to commence at 9:00 AM, I realized I didn't necessarily need to rise this early and could have enjoyed more rest, all thanks to my sister's unexpected wake-up call.

As the clock ticked towards an ungodly hour, I begrudgingly acknowledged that an early start meant more time with friends, a silver lining to the early school bell.

"Good. Oh, and Apple Bloom..." Applejack's sudden interjection caught me off guard, halting me in my tracks as my attention snapped back to my sister. 

What now? 

"Scootalo and Sweetie can walk with ya every day to school if ya like that?" Applejack's offer sparked a joyous outburst from me, the exuberance of my response echoing through the room. 

"YESSSSIR!!" The shrillness of my excitement seemed to startle Applejack, who swiftly reminded me of the sleeping household. I had been way too loud.

"Hey! Don't be too loud! People are still sleepin', ya know that!" Applejack's reprimand was softened by our shared laughter, a moment of familial warmth that I cherished.

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