↱ 10 ↲ Fear

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*this chapter includes harming so don't read if you're sensitive to that or skip the part. This will be a long chapter so stay tuned! And I'm so sorry if this chapter is boring asf 😭 I tried

Apple Bloom's POV


Tuesday, October 4th, 6:00 AM

It has been a day since I haven't talk to Diamond Tiara ever since she kissed Raspberry Red. Diamond Tiara called me so much, texted me so much, she even showed up at my house but Applejack told her that I didn't want to see her. And I never replied to her texts, I left it on read. I was just so mad and broken. I love Diamond and seeing her kissing another girl that's not me wasn't really comfortable...

I was already ready for school, so I picked up my phone.

I looked at my phone and I got five missed voice-calls from Diamond but I decided to listen to the last one. I just wanted to know what she has to say.

One missed voicemail: Diamond Tiara

Hey, Apple Bloom... Look, please don't be mad at me, Blankie flankie. It is NOT what you think it is. I know everybody said that when they get caught but it's honesty not what you think. This girl kissed me out of nowhere and i tried to stop her but she just kept kissing me.

...Please just believe me, Apple Blossom. Yes, I used your full name. Because I love you. But if you really don't want to be with me. I guess that's fine with me because I'm pathetic and dumb.

....How could the spoiled mean bitch Diamond Tiara get a beautiful, sweet, caring girl such as you. It's too good to be true. You're the most amazing thing that happened to me, Apple Bloom. I was lonely and a mean bitch until you came along and showed me who I truly was. You made me a better person and for that, thank you. *sniffs* G-Goodbye, Apple Bloom. I will always love you. Ok.. Bye.. Blankie Flankie..?

*hangs up*

Oh my god! I never said I wanted to break up with Diamond.... Oh no, I was overreacting! I should have let her tell her side of the story.. Dammit.

'Apple Bloom, you're so dumb! Go to Diamond Tiara! Right now!'

Yes, I will go to her now! I don't even care if it's morning or almost time for school. Diamond Tiara is an important person. She's the entire world to me.

I grabbed my jacket and my backpack and went downstairs and was about to go to Diamond's but was stopped.

An arm wrapped around me stopping me from running.

"Applejack?" I said, confused.

"Look, Apple Bloom. We need to talk."

"No, I don't have time. I have to go!" I said, trying to escape.

"Let me at least say something." Applejack said as I stopped and started to listen to her.

"...What is it?" I said. Applejack folded her arms and said, "I understand that Diamond kissed another girl or the girl kissed her but ya should ALWAYS hear her out, because you never know what's truly happenin'. You never know if she's truly cheatin' or not. But you should talk to her and you'll know."

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