↱ 6 ↲ Pretending

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*I'M SORRY I'M SORRY FOR LONG UPDATE, I WAS REALLY WRITER BLOCKED!!! And plus I'm sick. Ill do another chapter sooner due for inactivity :) anyways enjoy!

Apple Bloom's POV


Monday, September 10th, 7:30 AM

Today is Monday...... Monday is the top of my 'hate' list well, before it was Diamond Tiara but now she's off of the list.... I had to get up for school or Applejack would kill me... I went to my small country styled walk-in wardrobe and chose blue and white stripes shirt with blue jeans, and cowgirl brown boots. Oh and not to mention, my daily pink bow. I brushed my teeth, and stuff, I also ate breakfast and left taking my backpack.

I went to the spot where I meet my best friends daily, I just remembered today is the first day when me and Diamond pretend that we still hate each other, and don't like each other but we secretly do.

"Oh, this is going to be interesting..." I mocked myself.

Then a few minutes passed...

"BOO!!!!!" A shout were made and scared me and that person covered my eyes. 'WHAT WAS THE FRICKING HAY WAS THAT?!?!?!?' I swear to god, I peed my pants.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" I shouted while giving the person an arm lock, a fight move..... it's painful, I could notice. I also sent her flying over my shoulders. Honestly I have NO clue where I got that talent from. When somebody screams/scares me or anything suspicious, or touch me, I hurt them...

"OWWWWWWW, APPLE BLOOM!!" That person shouted. Sweetie Belle is covering her mouth..... Wait what. When did she get here? I looked to the person who I hurt. I widened my eyes. It wasn't a stranger... That person was...........

"Oh my god!!! Scootalo??" I panicked, helping Scootalo get up and I let her hands around my neck because I'm sure I..... broke her arms... and her legs too since I sent her flying over my shoulder...... Literally.

"I'm so sorry!!!" I said, repeating it over and again.

"Oh my god, Apple Bloom! You hurt Scootalo and her arms and legs looks....... so f*cked up!!!" Sweetie Belle shouted. I handed Scootalo to Sweets. Scootalo's hands are around Sweetie Belle's shoulders to support her walking.

"It was an accident?" I said innocently. While Sweetie was helping Scootalo, they both glared at me. Like they are serious. They gave me a scary serious look..... If looks could kill, I would be dead by now.

"Scoots, I'm super sorry." I said sighing. "I'm really am..." I added, feeling guilty.

"It's ok, Apples..." She said, trying to show a smile but failed, only showing a lopsided grin.

"And where the hell did ya get that from?" Scootalo laughed and she showed a smirk.

"Haha!! I have no idea! Honest. This is my first time. It's like my fightin' sense taking over. I think I got it from Applejack!" I laughed along with Scootalo then Sweetie Belle cleared her threat. Sweetie Belle is pretty much mad. Or angry...

"Are you seriously laughing right now when Scootalo's seriously hurt." Sweetie Belle said, irritated.

"It's not funny, we need to take you to nurse at school. I mean, you are hurt like literally." Sweetie said, giving a death glare to Scootalo. Scoots and I were quiet after that... But then Scootalo break in laughing. She wouldn't stop.l laughing as me and Sweetie became confused.

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