Chapter 51 - LAST CHAPTER

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Graysons P.O.V

We have arrived at the hospital a few hours ago and none of us have heard about Shane or Blake, they were the two that got the worst. Ethan and Mrs Jones also got hurt pretty bad but Ethan was fit enough to be discharged, Mrs Jones on the other hand was to be kept in over night for observations.

After about twenty more minutes Blakes doctor comes out. He explains that Blake has a second degree burn on her neck and it will probably leave a scar. Me and the others head through to her room to make sure she is ok.
When we are in the room her neck was bandaged up but she still looks stunning as ever. I run over to her and lay beside her.

"Has anyone heard about Shane?" Blake asked.

"No but the doctor should be here any minute" Shelly said and in that moment Scott walked in with Cameron.

"What took you guys so long?" Ryan asked.

"Sorry we were only burying three body's and cleaning up a church" Scott replied sarcastically.

"Plus we had to stop by the twins house and get this" Cameron said and handing Ethan, Shane's promise ring. Yes he found it!

"How did you....." Ethan begins to say but I cut him off.

"Let's just say I called in a favour" I smiled a little. He looked and me and mouthed 'Thank you'. I gave him a small nod in return.
A few more moments past and Shane's Doctor came into the room smiling.

"Hey guys, just to let you know Shane is going to be absolutely fine, the knife didn't wound anything important. She's just going to be sore for a couple of weeks. We will have to keep her in for a few more days though as she has lost a lot of blood" the doctor explained.

"Can we see her?" Ethan asked.

"Of course, she's awake and been asking for you all" he replied. He then said he was going to inform Mrs Jones and he left. We got Blake into a wheelchair as she needs to take it easy as well, and we head for Shane's room.

Shane's P.O.V

I'm sitting here waiting on the doctor to return, and I hear my door open. I look up to see him! The one person I truly want to see.
He stares at me and a tear rolled down his cheek, suddenly I heard whispering and he made his way over to me. Without warning he smashes his lips against mine and I don't hesitate to kiss him back. When we pull away I look into his beautiful big brown eyes.

"Is this really you Ethan?" I ask with a tear going down my cheek.

"It's me baby. I love you so much Shane" he replied and kissed me again.

"I love you too Ethan, so so much" I murmur against his lips.

"God get a room you too" I hear Blakes voice. Me and Eth pull apart and notice all the guys coming into the room. Cameron, Erica, Ryan, Scott, Shelly, Blake and Grayson. My friends! My non- biological family!

"How are you feeling?" Grayson asked as Ethan crawled into the bed and put his arm around me.

"Like I've been hit by a bus, what about you lot?" I asked giggling a little.

"Yeah not too bad, I think you and Blake are the only two with battle scars though" Erica stated and we all laughed.

"I can't actually believe we came out of that alive, especially you Shane" Blake smiled.

"What can I say....I guess we were just lucky" I smirked and everyone let out a small laugh.

"So what now?" Blake asked.

"Not to scare you guys but I don't think it's over" Grayson said and we all shot him a look.

"Graysons right" Ethan said and we all looked and them confused.
"Elena was after you guys specifically. Why? We don't know yet, but who's to say there isn't more people out their after you guys. I think you just need to be prepared"

"So what we are some sort of Squad?"  Blake said sarcastically.

"A Superhero Squad?" Erica questioned.

"It doesn't matter what we are because half of us don't even have powers anymore" Grayson snapped a little.

"Well actually I've still got Ryan's, and Scott's power, the rest died with Elena and the other two" Cameron said.

"Powers don't matter anymore, when there is a whole other world out there waiting for us" Ethan said kissing the top of my head and I can't help but smile.

"What's that face?" Blake asked me.

"Guys just stop and think for a few minutes. We have known each other for what, a month and a half maybe two months? And look at all the shit we've been through. We laughed, fought, even been in a car crash and still survived. It doesn't matter if they are people after us or not, it doesn't matter if we have powers or not. What matters is, if we can pull off everything that we have in the time that we've known each other, then nothing is going to break us. This is better than some sort of Squad. This is The Lucky Seven" I smiled.

We all sat in silence for a few minutes just smiling and looking at one another. They all knew I was right, no one is going to break us apart, no one is going to drag us down. And no one and I mean no one is going to defeat us!

The Lucky Seven 🍀7⃣

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