44. I don't need you

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No One's POV

After Klaus and Caroline's discussion, Niklaus went to the bayou, to be in a place more private, where he could feel just the nature and decided to turn into a wolf.

The problem was that once he turns into a wolf, he gets lost with the time and gives into his animal instinct, which means that he kills more people than normal and stays in that form for hours or days.

Caroline's POV

I spend the entire night with Brad to get to know him, and he is a really nice guy who can make me smile from times to times but I couldn't be 100% focus on him because all I kept thinking was about my discussion with Nik and how he never went back to the bar.

When I went with Kol, Elijah, Stefan and Caroline back home, I was expecting to see Nik but no signs of him.

"Do any of you know where Nik is?" I asked now concerned.

"No idea." Stefan said.

"He probably stayed in the bar to find a new woman to go on his list of companions of one-night." Elijah said, not really caring about Nik's whereabouts.

"Don't worry, he's fine." Kol said and I nodded.

"Yeah, Elijah is probably right. He must be with some other girl. Goodnight." I said with a smile and left to my room.


After I woke up and get showered, I picked an outfit and put some makeup. When I walk into the living room, I see everyone looking at me and then at each other in silence, not a normal silence, a 'who tells her?' kinda silence.

"What's wrong?" I asked but no answer. "Someone tell me what the hell happened!"

"Nik didn't come home last night." Rebekah said.

Great! He just went to look for another girl. Doesn't he care about whatever we had? Wait. Why am I being like this? I have Brad. I mean, I don't have him but he is someone that might make me feel loved again... and I do care about him...

"Okay." I said but then realized that they didn't told me everything. "What more?"

"We heard things that lead us to believe that Niklaus turned and killed a good amount of innocent people." Elijah said calmly.

How can he be so freakin calm?

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"In the Bayou." Elijah said.

"But it's dangerous out there. We shouldn't go." Stefan said.

"What do you mean? We have to. It's Nik. What if he can't control himself or turn back into a human and needs clothes, or if he's hurt?"

"That place is filled with werewolves. Going there is like asking to be killed in the worst way possible." Kol said.

"What is your plan, then?"

"Staying here. He will get back eventually..." Elijah said without showing any kind of emotion.

"Seriously?!" I asked and they just looked at me. "Okay. Bye!"

"Where are you going, Care?" Rebekah asked.

"To the Bayou. Do something. Unlike you." I said to them.

"That's not completely correct. We did ordered some of his minions to clean the mess Nik did." Kol said.

"Yeah, well I'm going to help him. Instead of staying here waiting for nothing." I said and left.


I got in the middle of the woods and walked for a good time, until I found a wolf with his leg stuck in one those trap devices that hunters use.

"Don't worry. I'm just gonna help you." I said.

I didn't knew if was Nik or not. I didn't want to risk of being him and someone taking advantage of him being like that to hurt him.

Once I took the trap thingy out of his leg, he took a few 'steps' back and just looked at me.

It was him...

"Nik" I gasped and then he turned back to his human form.

I quickly took the clothes I had brought with me so he could get dressed.

"What are you doing here?" He asked after getting dressed

"I was looking for you."

"You shouldn't." He snapped at me.

"I'm sorry if I was worried with you, okay?" I said angry.

"I know how to take care of myself. I don't need people to worry about me. Not you nor anyone." He said angry.

"You know what? I don't even know why I am here anymore. I should have known better." I said more to myself.

"What is that suppose to mean?" He asked angry.

"Just that you always push away the people who actually give a damn about you." I said angry. "Do you realize that I'm the only one who came here? I am the only one who didn't care about risking my life to be here, the place where there's only werewolves. All this because I care about you."

God! No one can make me this angry. I hate the effect he has on me. He can make me feel like the most special woman in the world in one minute and the next like shit, he can make me go from sad to happy and from happy to sad, he can break me down and put me back together... and the worst is that he doesn't even know it.

"I didn't ask you to." He snapped at me.

"Neither did I. It happened. We don't control that, at least I don't. But if you do then help me out because sometimes it sucks how much I care about you." I said really angry.

"Then just leave. I don't need you!" He yelled.

"Then why did you make me promise to never leave you? It was all a lie? Did you said all those things about needing me just to keep me around? Did you even love me at some time of your life?" I asked now hurt.

What he said made me put in question every single thing he told me.

"What matters now? You have Richard 2.0"

"That doesn't change the way I feel about you." I said and said in a calm voice. "Just tell me. Was it all a lie?"

"No." He said so low that if I wasn't a vampire I couldn't even hear him. "I was always honest to you. I never lied about my feelings for you."

I smiled and then we went to my car.

"Caroline" he called me when I was about to get into the car.


"Don't leave me." He said almost in a begging voice.

"I wouldn't even think about it." I said with a smile and took him back home.

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