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We sat on the couch and waiting for the game to load.

"You're going down," I smirked.
"In your dreams, Captor!"
We selected our weapons and the clock began ticking... 3... 2... 1... Begin!

The rest of the afternoon went pretty much just like that. It was at least 7:00 by the time the hunger was audible.

"Dude," he said, "I'm starving. Wanna go get pizza?"

"Don't I?!" I threw my shirt on and we walked outside. The night brought cold winds but it wasn't less than 70 (F) out.

The pizza place was only a few blocks from his house so it didn't take long to get there. We walked in and he asked me what kind I liked.

"Anything really," I shrugged, "But just no supreme."

"I'm with you there," he laughed.

"Aww!" A random woman was standing right behind us, "You two are so couple goals!"

I turned bright red and I had no doubt he was worse, "Uh, you see we aren't... um..." I couldn't force the words out of my mouth. We aren't together. It should t be hard, right? But I wanted it so badly and I didn't even realize how badly I wanted him until that moment.

"We aren't dating, we're, uh, just friends," ED smiled awkwardly at the woman.

"Oh," she sighed, "kind of a shame, then. Think about it." She whispered that last part to me and it bugged me.

We finally got out pizza and got back to his house around 7:25.
"Thanks, ED," I said. He had bought everything even though I insisted on paying for some of it.

"It's no problem," he smiled and turned away, "What are you waiting on? Dig in!"

We ate until 7:45, all the while laughing and talking. And me; falling deeper in love.

We gamed a bit more afterwards and soon it was 11.

"I should probably be heading home now," I stood up and stretched.

"Probably," he sighed, "this was fun, though! We should do it again sometime!"

"Definitely," I smiled and grabbed my bag, "See you tomorrow, ED."

"See ya!"

I turned toward the door but then stopped. I looked back at him.

"What are you doing? I'll be at school tomorrow. Chill," he teased.

I dropped my bag and walked over to him. He turned red, "What's going on, Sol?"

I grabbed his face and planted a short, sweet kiss on his mouth. He flushed completely red.

"I think I'm in love with you, ED," I said as I released his face, "Goodnight."

"H-hey!" He called as I walked out the door, "You can't just leave after doing something like that! Get back here and let me kiss you! Do you even hear me? Sollux!"

"Goodnight," I repeated and made my way home.

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