A Wish for Spring

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A Wish for Spring

It has been winter for ever so long,
How I miss spring’s sweet song!
How I wish the snow would melt,
And the rain on my window would pelt.
How I wish the green grass would grow,
And replace the white winter snow.
How I wish the flowers would bloom,
And the sun would shine in my room.
I wish the clouds would roll away,
Mother said they will someday,
When Aslan will come, winter shall end,
And we shall have spring again!
But we must wait for His perfect time,
After all He is not a tame lion.
I must be patient, I must wait,
And above all, I must never lose faith.
And one day He will come,
And have winter over and done.
With Him come sons of Aam and daughters of Eve,
They shall be our kings and queens!
The reign of the Witch will come to an end,
And all wrongs will be right again.
But for now I must be patient, I must wait,
And I will always, always keep the faith!

Poetry inspired by The Chronicles of NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now