The Call of the Dryad

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The Call of a Dryad

The rain is falling gently down

On this delightful summer eve

Come, forget the arrangements you have made

And take an evening stroll with me

Feel the rain upon your face

As it purifies the evening air

Feel it as it gently pours

Making all around green and fair

Come, come remove your shoes

Of them you have no need

Remove your socks and with delight

Feel the wet mud with your bare feet

Come with me into my palace

Come, come great and small

Come, come the rain you need not fear

The summer rain is good for all

The trees will form the palace roof

The grass the palace floor

And the flowers are the jewels

Tell me, is there need for something more

Leave behind you cares

Do what I know you should

Come and feel the summer rain

And stroll with me in the evening wood

Poetry inspired by The Chronicles of NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now