That Was Unexpected!

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"Y-Y-You're Yuri Plisetsky?!"


You stand in awe. Jaw dropped at the fact that the guy who you called a jerk, was actually the guy you've been crushing on all this time. Yuri gives you an evil smirk and he turns to face his ballet coach again. You watch as the lady shouts at him, wondering where he was and what he was doing. You can't help but feel sad for the guy. She finally finishes lecturing him and she walks off to board the plane. Yuri looks at you again and he pokes his tongue at you.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You think.

You grab your ticket and you make your way to board the plane.

"Hold on, Ma'am. We won't be boarding anymore passengers." The Attendant alarms me.

"B-But I'm in the Exclusive Club..." You say, showing her the golden ticket.

"I'm sorry but the Exclusive Club were already on board 15 minutes before you came. You're going to have to wait for the next flight to China." She says, returning to her desk.

"When is the next flight?" You ask, hoping it's not too late.

"Three days from now, Ma'am." She says, typing up a letter on her computer.

"But the World Grand Prix starts three days from now!" You say, frustrated.

"Ma'am we do not allow this sort of behavior at this Airport. We will have to take you away if you continue this. Have a good day, Ma'am."


The Attendant pulls out a walkie-talkie from her pocket and turns it on.

"Hey, Jim? I'm having a hard time with one of our late passengers. Could you take care of her? Thanks."

"Sure, be there soon."

"Young lady, there will be no more talking or you will be banned from flying at this airport." The Attendant alarms me, placing the walkie-talkie back in her pocket.

"What! That's not!-"

Something interrupts you. You feel a strong force over your mouth. It feels warm.

"What the hell?!" You think. You see that someones hand is covering your mouth.

"She's with us." You look behind you and you see Yuri. He walks up next to you. "Why in the heck is Yuri Plisetsky defending me?! This was unexpected..." You think, blushing at the thought.

"And what does she have to do with your life, Mr Plisetsky?" The Attendant asks, not believing anything he says.

"She's my girlfriend."

"WHHAAAATT???!!! Did he just say what I think he said?" You can't believe this guy. He didn't have to go that far. Yuri holds your hand. "This cannot be happening!" You can't help but think that this is officially the best day ever. Your face immediately turns beet-red.

"OK then. She may proceed. I am sorry for the inconvenience." The Attendant bows at Yuri.

"Yeah, whatever." Yuri takes his hand away from yours in an instant and makes his way to the plane. You stand there, shocked. Yuri Plisetsky just held your hand and called you his girlfriend. How could this day get any better?

"You gonna hurry, or what?" Yuri says, without looking back. You grab your suitcase and you make your way to the plane.

You walk behind him at a slower pace. Your mind is full of what just happened. You can't stop thinking about it. You start to blush some more.

Cold Hearted ORIGINAL (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now