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Hey guys! Ai here :)

I just wanted to let you know that I've spent the past weeks editing and re-crafting the story to the best that it can be! I've gotten some comments telling me that I have spelling errors, a sentence didn't make sense and etc, so that's what I was and am working on!

But wait! There's more! :D

I've also been planning the story and the many different outcomes and cliffhangers that will be happening in the future! I have big plans for this story that I believe are awesome and it can only be perfectly published with time and the support of you readers! ;)

Unfortunately, the next chapter won't be published until a couple of days because I have been lacking sleep and school has been really stressful... I know that I have been missing out a lot of publish dates and I really really want to get this story done and dusted as soon as possible so that I can work on further stories~! (I've been thinking of a klance story (Voltron), but that's another project ;))

So, with just 2 or 3 more days of editing, I'll get straight onto the story! No more long waits! I'll try my best to update as regularly as I can and as fast as I can! And I might even slide in a small Yuuri and Victor side story :)

Anyway, I really hope I didn't upset anyone! I know, it's frustrating when you're left with a cliffhanger, so throw your phone all you want ;) (the only reason why I put the Yurio gif there cx)

Okay then, goodbye and stay tuned for moaaarrrr :)

(p.s - I noticed that some of the chapters are pretty cringe e.e)

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