The First Day Of The World Grand Prix!

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Excited as ever, you arrive at the ice rink, your mouth wide open at the sight of the beautifully decorated rink that towers in front of you. You catch sight of the VIP Lane and you sprint straight towards the lane.

You take a deep breath in, not believing anything that is going on right now. You turn on your phone, your hand shaking with adrenaline and you check to see the 6 people facing off in today's tournament. You see many familiar names. Jeon Jacques Leroy, Otabek Altin, Christophe Giacometti, Phichit Chulanont, Michele Crispino... and...

Your heart suddenly flutters when you read the name "Yuri Plisetsky" in your head. Causing you to blush. "I can't wait to see Yuri skate today!" You say, bouncing up and down while squealing at the same time, probably sounding like an old goat dying. You suddenly stop. Your face blank. You go back to the register and you don't see either Yuuri Kastuki nor Victor Nikiforov's name on the list. "Huh?! Why aren't Victor and Yuuri on the register? They didn't make it in?! No way..." You stare at your phone screen in shock, and suddenly you hear laughter coming from the person in front of you. Not caring at first, you turn off your phone and you place it in your pocket. "I can't believe those two didn't make it in..." You feel sorry for those two.

The laughter coming from the same person starts to get louder and louder, beginning to bother you. "Shhh! Quiet down! You're grabbing everyone's attention..." You hear whispering come from another person. "Sorry about that, it's just... pfft... the young lady behind us can't believe that we're not in the Grand Prix Final! Bahaha

You start to get pissed off. "This jerk is laughing because of me?! How rude!" You think, annoyed. "Did she even read the newspaper, or at least watch the news?! Everyone knows that we're not competing this year." Says the person who just spent 5 minutes laughing.

"Wait... That person said "we're"... Wait a minute..." You think hard in your head... "Don't tell me that the real Victor and Yuuri are in front of me!" You turn straight to the two people in front of you.  One is shorter than the other. "There's no way it's them... I mean, wouldn't they be allowed to just go straight into the rink? I think I'm just imaging things..." You start to feel butterflies in your stomach. "Hah... There is no way..." You laugh it off.

You suddenly see the shorter person turn and whisper into his friends' ear. As soon as he is finished whispering the taller one looks frozen. They both whisper into each others ears. Then you can hear a faint sound coming from the taller persons' mouth. "You tell her, quick! She might know! Put on your disguise glasses!" You raise your eyebrow. "What the heck is going on between these two?" You think.

You watch and you see the shorter guy place the glasses onto his face. He suddenly turns to face you. "U-Uh... Hello there, Ma'am..." The guy stops for a moment. You can see sweat running down the sides of his face. You raise an eyebrow, staring at the two in front of you. "Hi..?" You respond, making him shake even more. "What's wrong, you're shaking an awful lot." You say, confused as ever.  "Uhmm... Just so you know... I-I'm definitely not a famous ice skater who just happened to not participate in this years Grand Prix Final... hehe.." You start to get curious and you wonder who this strange person is. "Ok...?" Your eyebrow raises even higher than before. "Thank you for understanding!" The man walks back to his friend. 

Embarrassed, the man shrinks in shame while the other man can't contain his laughter. "I have a strong gut feeling that these two are really famous." You think to yourself. You watch as the taller man leans down and gives the other man a kiss on the cheek. You immediately get flustered. "Wait, they're a couple?!" You say, shocked. Because of the fujoshi you are (A.N. - if you don't know what a fujoshi is, it's basically a female that is drawn to the relationship between men; this basically means that u luv dat yaoi XD), you can't help but internally scream in your head. You watch as they both smile at each other like one happy couple.

You begin to sigh. "I kinda wish I had a relationship like that..." Your mind wanders off into a new dimension, bringing you to a fantasy that features your dream boyfriend. The image of your dream boyfriend is a bit blurry, but as you walk towards him, his face becomes clear. In front of you, you see a familiar person. Blonde hair, green eyes and the expression of a troublemaker. Your dream boyfriend is none other but the Yuri Plisetsky. "Why is he here?" You wonder. He's a famous ice skater, there is no chance of me getting it on with him! Yuri starts walking towards you. Getting closer and closer and closer. You can feel your heart thump louder and louder with each step he takes. He comes right close to you. So close that your noses are almost touching."I love you, (Y/N)." He says, leaning in for a kiss. Your face turns as red as a tomato. You close your eyes and bring yourself towards Yuri... You can feel him getting closer and closer and closer and...


You fall onto the ground, your face colliding with the concrete. "Ow..." You moan. "Are you alright?" The shy man from before asks, running up to you. "I'm fine, totally fine!" You say, playing it off and acting like nothing happened. Ignoring you, he grabs hold of your hand and lifts you up. You stand up straight and you brush the dust off your clothes. "You sure you're okay?" The man says once again, a worried look on his face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for helping me up." You reply, waving your hand to make sure he gets the message. You hear him take a sigh of relief. "Ahh.. That's good..." The man says, relieved. The other man walks up and places his hand on the shorter man's shoulder. "Yuuri~.... Can you help me up if I fall?" He says, drooping over him and using the shorter man as an armrest.

"W-Wait.... Did he just say "Yuuri"..?" You think... Watching the two lovebirds. "Vi-Victor..." The shorter man's face is a shade of crimson. The both giggle and laugh like the happy couple they are, while you on the other side are thinking that these two in front of you are extremely famous ice skaters... "I have to ask them.." You think, heading your way towards them.

"H-Hey again!" You say, trying to get a closer look at their identity. "Hey there!" The taller one says, still slouching on the shorter one. "What's up?" The shorter one says, while chuckling at the same time from his partner's hand placements. "I...uhh.. I have this gut feeling that you guys are the real Victor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki.." You get straight to the point. The taller one moves his hand away from his partner and he starts walking towards you. "Hmm..." He says, getting closer. "Yuur- I mean "Yuki", could you please pass me my phone?" He places his hand in front of him, and this so called "Yuki" guy places his phone in his hands. "Thanks, honey." He winks at his partner. The man goes into his phone and you can see him scrolling through his gallery, trying to find a picture of something. "Ah! Here." He says, tapping on a certain picture. Surprised, he places his phone next to your face. "What do you think, Yuki? Think she's the one?" His partner, Yuki comes forward and looks at the comparison between you and a photo that you have no clue of. "Mhm. She's the one!" He says, smiling. They then grab your hands. "Follow us!" They say in unison.



HEY GUYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN?! Guys, you won't believe how LONG IT'S BEEN! (ik I just said that twice XD) BUT GUYS!!!! It's been so long, I had to reread the story to know which part I was going to write next! I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to update sooner! (school has got me tired, stressed and anxious..... Plus I've been away sick a lot T^T) So to owe you guys, I'm going to try and do a double upload today! So sorry! I know you guys wont forgive me..... BUT HEY YOU GET A DOUBLE UPLOAD!!! If i dont upload the next part today, then I think it'll be up by atleast tomorrow!!! I'd also like to thank everyone for 5K READS!!!! OMGGG THAT'S UNBELIEVABLE NOW OMG IM CRYING!!!!! Thanks so much to everyone! I'd also like to thank everyone for being sooo patient too!!! Well... Until next time, I guess? :)


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