Cold Hearted 2.0!?

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Hello, everybody.

It's been a while, hasn't it? 

During this time, I had become so busy to the point where I completely forgot about this story! I had no idea it had gotten over 25K reads... Oh my... 

Anyway, once I had remembered about this fan-fic, I quickly read through the parts I had published and... Let's just say that I cringed at pretty much every word. The amount of cringe in this story is out of this world.

So, I decided to start the whole thing again! A brand new Cold Hearted! This time, it won't be as cringe-worthy (hopefully, haha.) And don't worry, it will have the same plot.

I am planning to create a re-written story with a revamped cover. I will release four brand new chapters by the end of this month, and those chapters should cover the amount of plot you guys have received so far in the original version of the story. I will also promise to upload a new chapter every Sunday at 12pm (NZST/UCT+12) afterward.

I hope you're all as excited as I am!

- Ai

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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