Chapter 12 - Heart Beats

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She didn't bother to make eye contact back at me, and pushed past me to get into the house.

"Um, Hannah?"

She kept walking and was past me in seconds. How could she disappear for months and suddenly return, saying nothing. She had a lot of explaining to do. I slammed the door, and followed her to the kitchen where everyone else seemed to be. But I didn't walk into the room. Instead I was creeping outside it, listening to the conversation.

"Haven't you told her yet? My God you're going to get her killed!" Hannah said.

"Well, with any luck she won't turn it down. After all, what has she got to lose?" Harry had answered. What had I got to lose? That fucking wanker. I held myself back, waiting for something else to be said.

"She's going to more curious the longer you leave it."

"And the more curious, the better. We need her to do this. Just wish she wasn't so damn fucking annoying." My face grew red in anger. He had the guts to bad mouth me to someone who I now knew was a complete stranger.

"Don't be so rude! She isn't going to want to agree if you're so rude. Levi told me there's a change in plan, but he's not too sure on it. Fill me in."

This was it. One of them would tell Hannah this big plan and I'd finally know what was going on. All this questioning would be put at ease, feeling like I had wasted so much time on worrying about it all. It seems I was wrong, though.

"We can't give you that information, Hannah. You've only potential help right now. You left ages ago, we don't know what you're doing. You come out of nowhere wanting to come back. How do we know we can trust you?" Louis said, a little worried. "All of us here are aware of your ability to blab and accidentally tell the wrong person. You did it to Sam for fuck sake! But I've got to give it to you, you played that part well. I know it took you years but you got her."


"You were pretending that whole time?! What the fuck! I trusted you, Hannah! You're a fucking psycho!" I said, after walking into the room and pushing her shoulders back.

"Sam, calm down I-"

"No. I won't calm down. You lied to me, you left me worried sick for weeks because you said you were ill, but all you've been doing is playing me like some fucking toy! What's your problem? Everyone here! You're all heartless dickheads. You know what, I'll so this plan, whatever it is, if it means I get to leave. Let me be your little puppet, go ahead and use me. All of you! Hell, why don't we start right now?" My fists started to clench and by now my face and neck was completely red in anger.

"You don't know what the plan is. How do you know you'll want to?" Niall asked, obviously pretending to care.

"You know what Niall? I don't care anymore. You won't let me go whether or not I go through with this plan. So I figure ill just do it. Harry, give me my phone I'm texting my mom. Now."

Everyone in the room was in complete shock of my outburst, but I couldn't control it. I hated to be used more than anything, especially for a bunch of heartless wrecks who had nothing better than to ruin other people's lives because they couldn't get theirs right. My anger always gets the better of me, and it meant that my heart started to play up. I looked at Harry.

"You need to drive me right now. I need my heart pills. Now."

Harry grabbed his keys quicker than a flash and headed straight for the car. On the way past me he handed me my phone. I grabbed it in my hand and went straight out the door. The pressure that my heart was causing was getting to my head, making it feel like something was trying to explode from my head. I got into the car, making it obvious I was still angry by slamming the door shut. I suppose that was bad move because it sent a shock through my head at the slam. I sat there with my face stern, and my hand on my heart. I had naturally high blood pressure, but it had caused me to have a lot of heart problems. When I was being raped, I almost died of this problem. My mum never told me exactly what it was, so I was never sure, but it started to hurt during stress, anger and fear. A lot of the time, it was controlled by adrenaline, which in supposed pumped more blood around quickly and increased the pressure or something. It had caused me a lot of problems though.

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