Chapter 23

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He looked at me with sad eyes, and a smile that taunted my inner demon. It was a smug smile and although he had been angry he had turned to teasing. Harry had confessed himself and I had denied him the satisfaction of telling him I felt the same. I don't know why though.

I might be falling for him like the leaves fall from the trees in autumn. I might be falling for his eyes even though I've never really liked the colour green. I might be infatuated with his laugh even though he's usually laughing at me. I might be scared to fall for him because of the fear that I might fall apart. But I might be happy for the first time in a long time. Yes, happy.

"H-Harry" I mumbled and hoped it was loud enough for him to hear.

"Yes Samantha?" The teasing smile was still there and it was almost hurting me.

"Can you come back in here, we need to talk..." I sounded vulnerable and weak. My voice had not cracked but I sounded defeated.

"About what? I don't see what more we have to say?"

Niall and Lilly walked out of their room and stared at me and Harry. I still had tear stains down my cheeks and Harry looked pissed off, yet entertained all at once.

"Everything alright out here? Jesus Sam what's that on your face?!" Niall pointed to me and I suddenly remembered the mark Harry left on my cheeks. I'm surprised no one else had noticed it.

"Oh, yeah. I'm um, I'm just allergic to some face wipes! My skins awful!"

"I'm the same! I think we could get along just fine! Well not because of the skin but I think we just would!" Lilly beamed her biggest smile and I just stared at her. I don't know why, but I stared at her like she was a piece of shit. I could hear Harry chuckling but I didn't stop.

"Well, we will see you two later. See ya Harold," Niall said in attempt to break the tension. I don't know what I was doing. I glared at her as she walked Niall further down the hall as if he was some dog. I didn't like her.

"What the fuck was that about, Sam?!" Harry giggled and nudged my shoulder.

"Oh shit!!!" I screamed, the realisation finally hitting me properly.

"That was fucking hilarious"

"Was it that bad?" I asked, nervously biting my nails.

"Worse than you probably think, fuck me."

I tried to stop myself but I couldn't hold in the laughter that Harry had caused. I just let myself go and laughed along side him as if he had caused me no pain.


That damn laugh. She was laughing like she hadn't ever been humoured before. She was squeezing her eyes shut and covering her mouth in a weird way but I was in no position to point that out.

Although I felt fucking shit for her denial and rejection from me, I couldn't deny that in that moment she looked prettier than ever and I could feel myself slowly falling even further down what was bound to be the worst decision I'd ever made in my life. And that was falling for Sam. I wasn't falling for her but...


The next day I spent still waiting for an email from Buoy's and it seemed like it would never happen. I sat on the comfortable hotel bed, with my laptop on my lap, hopelessly waiting for that damned message. Thankfully I had been left alone all day, as the rest of the boys including Harry went out to god knows where. I was grateful though. I had time to myself to think about all this, and think about Harry.

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