Chapter 22

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10 minutes left until the interview. That was it. Just 10 minutes. Although I knew I had chances to redeem myself in other states, this was the one shot I had in that state. I didn't even know where we were. Harry told me it was better that way.

I spent the whole night learning the script, running over the words in my mind again and again. Harry showed me some techniques to use with my tone and body, ways that I could manipulate the interviewer. I had to use my words in order to get the interview to say certain things. Certain things which had to be discriminative. It probably doesn't appear hard, but I was a teenage girl, going up against the laws of the United States. And I was not capable of what they told me I was. It would be me alone in that room, just myself. No one to protect me. Harry wouldn't be there to pick me up if I fell.

Harry. That boy was killing me with everything he did. He confused yet excited me all at once and left me feeling giddy but annoyed. The kiss he had deeply inhibited the night before had given me a sense of misdirection. As if I hadn't just been chosen because of the talents they thought I held. I had, for a small second, thought that perhaps Harry had recommended me because he wanted to know me inside and out. Like he wanted something more from me than a partner in crime. I know it was naive, but the way he kept kissing me and telling me I was perfect led me to no other decision. I knew it couldn't be true because I was me, and that was enough for him to hate me. But I somehow found myself wishing that he wanted me. I wished for him to long to be mine. But I shouldn't have. He gave me chills and aches within me, and made me want to punch everyone I saw. He couldn't possible be anything more than a partner in crime, and that's the way it was going to have to be. And as soon as the summer was over, we would go our separate ways and never have to speak of each other again. The thought comforted me. I felt a desire to leave while I could, but I was always too late.

"Sam, we're ready for your interview."

"Don't over think it, you can do this."

Harry's words circled my head as I walked through the wooden doors and into what appeared to be a conference room. At the end of the long table was a man, aged around 40. He looked smart, wearing a blue striped suit, with his glasses being twiddled between his fingers. The man had short, blonde hair that was roughly styled with gel, and soft brown eyes, a rare combination. His nose was prominent on his face, being the first thing you would see if you looked at his face.

"Ah, you must be Sam! Do sit down," the man said, pointing to a chair that was a few seats away from him. This was good. Not too close, not too far. The right distance seat away from him.

"Hi, yes. Pleasure to meet you!" I said remembering the script that was written for me. So far, the boys had known what the man would say, and it scared me that they could do this.

"I'm Mr Fred Groves. Now, before we start I must warn you that in this firm we take work very seriously and wouldn't want a girl of your age to think you can mess us about by drinking every night and coming to work with a hang over." This was going to be easier than I thought.

"Understood, Mr Grove."

As the interview continued, I managed to force more sexist and ageist statements from his sorry mouth, making me grow more and more confidence. I had thought I would have melted and got do nervous that only a doctor would be able to stop my heart. But in fact, I had been strong myself and did require any help. Every now and then Harry's voice would echo through the earpiece in my ear, telling me that I was doing great and asking if I needed help. And for once, I didn't need help. I was doing it all on my own, with no guidance. Maybe I was stronger than I thought I was. Maybe it takes ourself to prove a point. Maybe I could be whatever I wanted to be, and no one could tell me not to.

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