¤Episode 1: Train¤

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(Y/N) didn't mind train rides, not one bit. The sound of the wheels moving along the track, the buzz of conversations going on around her. One could even say she enjoyed train rides, but with the way things are now, one could also say that's a lie. She was sitting there, pouting and staring out the window, avoiding any eye contact with the wicked man across from her. As for the "wicked" man; his distaste for the woman sitting across from him was just as strong. Why are these supposed adversaries stuck on the same train, in the same booth? Well, it started at their base: The Black Order.


"You're sending me on a mission with him(her)?!" The two enemies shouted in unison towards their commander, Komui who looked back at them with a smile, trying to calm them down.

"Now now you two, I don't recall ever putting you on a team together before-"

"And you should keep it that way!" The male exorcist yelled.

"But you never know Kanda, maybe by the end of the mission you two will become friends." Komui continued in a whispered tone.

"Or more than that, considering where you're going..."

"What?" (Y/N) asked, raising an eyebrow. Komui cleared his throat before responding.

"You two are going on this mission together and that's final. You are dismissed."

(Y/N) and Kanda walk out of the cluttered office, defeated, passing by Lenalee on their way out. The young girl looked towards her brother with a surprise look.

"Wow Komui, I'm impressed. You put your foot down and got them to stop arguing so quickly-"

"Oh Lenalee!" The man ran towards his sister and hugged her tightly.

"I thought those two were gonna kill me!" A sudden knock on the door, and a male with white hair pokes his head in the door way.

"Hey, I walked pass (Y/N) and Kanda giving each other death glares. I take it the plan is in affect?"

"Yup, I can't wait to see how this turns out." Lenalee smiles, her brother still clinging to her. Then Lavi enters without knocking.

"Yo, I see by the way Kanda and (Y/N) wanna beat up everyone they run into, we're actually going through with this." Everyone nodded in response. Lavi then asked,

"So who's gonna be the brave soul that goes undercover to get it all on camera?" Allen holds out his winged golem.

"Tim Campy can do it. He can record what he sees and play it back for us. Plus there's less chance of him getting caught." Tim expresses pride in himself, being able to take on the job.

"Then it's all settled. Tomorrow morning, Kanda and (Y/N) will go to catch a train to their destination and Tim Campy will follow. Bring back some good footage!"

¤¤¤Next Morning¤¤¤

Kanda was at the train station, angrily tapping his foot on the ground until he finally spotted (Y/N). He eyed the girl intently, looking her up and down. She stared back once she noticed his gaze.

"What are you sizing me up for?"

"You're late."

"Nooo, you're early." She flips her hair as she walks by, making Kanda's blood boil. The bags she carried looked heavy but she held them with ease and continued walking until she found a bench. She sat there with her legs crossed, waiting for the train to arrive. Kanda chose to stand by rather than take a seat next to her, which she didn't mind at all.

"So, you got any idea on where we're going exactly?" Kanda asked without looking in (Y/N)'s direction. All he got in return was silence.

"You don't have to ignore me you know." Still no response.

"WILL YOU JUST-" Kanda begins to yell at (Y/N), but stops upon seeing her fast sleep.

"Figures, how unprofessional can someone be? First she's late and now this." The train pulled up and Kanda loaded his things and surprisingly (Y/N)'s things too, leaving her a few extra minutes of sleep.

"Hey, wake up, the trains here." Kanda flicked (Y/N)'s forehand. She held her head in pain.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?!"

"Ugh you're wasting time." He picked up the young woman with ease and loaded her into the train as if she were just another suitcase. (Y/N) spitting insults at him the whole way.

Once Kanda dropped her into the seat the real bickering began.

"What's wrong with you? That was so humiliating!"

"First you show up late, making us miss the first train and making me have to wait even longer. Then you fall asleep, you're too laid back, we have an important mis-."


"NO I WASN'T!" The shouting caused other passengers to look at the exorcists. The two fell silent upon noticing their gaze. It only remained that way for a few seconds, a subtle voice could be heard.

"...Yes you were." Kanda's veins could be seen on the side of his forehead, he muttered back.

"...No, you were late because you're irresponsible and know nothing of punctuality." (Y/N)'s response was now a light whisper.

"You were early..."



"Why am I even arguing with you. You're such a kid."

"Whatever. Man, I can't wait to get this over with."

"You and me both..." After that, the two didn't make eye contact for the rest of the ride.

¤¤¤Present Time¤¤¤

The train quickly came to a halt, the sudden stop caused (Y/N) to lunge forward. She shielded her face with her hands, bracing herself for the impact of hitting something hard. Instead, her hands met with a familiar cloth, and she could feel a pair of arms holding up her body. She looked up to find Kanda's face closer to her than ever before.

"You okay?" He mumbled. Feeling his breath sent shivers up and down (Y/N)'s spine. She quickly backed away and stood up to head for the train exit.

"Y-yeah thanks." A light blush appeared upon her cheeks, realizing how handsome the wicked man looked up close and without an expression of anger.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Huh?" (Y/N) turned back around to see Kanda with his usual mean look.

"Your bags, stupid. You really think I'd carry them for you again?" He said, making (Y/N) immediately go back the hating him.

¤¤¤To be continued¤¤¤

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