¤Episode 10: What I Want¤

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"Oh my, do you not have a partner dear?" A middle-aged woman asked releasing her husband's hand, judging by the ring on her finger.

"Uh yeah, he's...in the restroom."

"You know, you can't be here without at least someone escorting you."

"Yes, I'm aware." (Y/N) was getting irritated. She backed away from the woman, who kept pressing on.

"Oh dear, if you don't have an escort I'll have to call security."

"There's no need for that, I have an esc-"

"Honey! Go fetch the guards." (Y/N)'s frustration caused her to yell.

"How many times do I have to say it lady? I have an escort!" At this point, Kanda, who was moving through the crowd, was able to see (Y/N) walking backwards to the center of the floor. Something urged him to go towards her.

Meanwhile an announcement was playing over a microphone for everyone to hear, Kanda and (Y/N) were tuning it out unintentionally. Kanda made it close enough in time to hear the older woman say

"But what kind of escort could he be if he isn't even with you?" He instantly knew what was going on and stepped in before (Y/N) could speak.

"A pretty good one, I think. And she would agree, isn't that right babe?" (Y/N) turned to him with a surprised expression.

"Kanda." She murmured. He continued.

"You see ma'am, it's not about being with her." He snaked his hands around (Y/N)'s waist from behind.

"It's about being there in time to save her." Suddenly, a spotlight was shining down on them. Both looked up in confusion. The earlier announcement had said

(Play music)

Greetings and thank you for joining us at the Erosamor city ball, where love that's true will always show through! There are many fine couples here tonight and we would like to dedicate this next dance to a pair of love birds who have lots of love for each other and are confident in their feelings for one another. Whether you're a few years deep or just starting out, anyone is welcome to step up, and make their way to the center of the dance floor.

Now the fake lovers stand in the middle of the floor in an embrace, unaware of what they were getting into. The announcement goes on.

Looks like we have some takers, and what a beautiful couple they are. Why don't you tell us about yourselves; you're names, how long you've been together, what you like about each other, go on.

A waitress appeared in front of them with a microphone for them to speak in. Kanda hesitantly took the device into his hands.

"My name's Kanda..." he put the microphone to his supposed lover who was shaking a bit.

"I'm (Y/N)." She looked back at Kanda desperately. He took back the mic from her shaking hands.

'I guess she wouldn't even be able to fake liking me in front of this many people.' He cleared his throat.

"We haven't been together very long, but I'm hoping that will change. I believe this city has made us closer, we've been able to understand each other better after being here and the experience has drastically improved our relationship." He turned (Y/N) around to face him.

"So far, I love her free spirit and sarcasm; like I said we haven't been together long, so I haven't seen every side of her yet, but I'm sure when I do see them...I'll fall in love with all of them." Kanda handed the microphone back to the waitress. (Y/N) was at a loss for words. Some people in the crowd were almost brought to tears, holding their loved one. The announcer went on.

Well said my friend. Let's give them a round of applause people and you're welcome to join in on the dancing, just keep in mind this goes out to Kanda and his beautiful love interest, (Y/N)!

The crowd cheered and the music began to play. (Y/N) looked around in a panic as the lights dimmed, yet the spotlight remained on them. Kanda let out a deep sigh before taking hold of (Y/N)'s hand, pulling her close.

"Just follow my lead." (Y/N) kept her head tucked away in Kanda's chest so she wouldn't have to see everyone's eyes on her.

'Wait, why am I so embarrassed?' She looked up at Kanda's face. His features captivated her and the crowd seemed to fade away. He caught on to her gaze.

"You okay?"

"I Just...one second I'm arguing with that woman and next thing I know you're pleading your love to me."

"For the mission of course." He said as he led her across the dance floor with elegant movement.

"I don't know, you sounded pretty sincere to me." She said, smirking like her old cynical self.

"Well, maybe I was."

"You know we've been putting on this act for so long, I can't tell if you're joking or not."

"I think I'll leave that up to you to decide." They both fell silent as they were gliding on the dance floor. Every now and then their bodies would separate and Kanda would lift (Y/N)'s arm, allowing her to spin, then pull her back to his chest.

'But should I go with what I think...or what I want?' This question stayed on her mind. The feeling of being held by him, knowing everyone was seeing them together as a couple. At some point during this trip she wanted it to be for real, not just an act. She started admiring him instead of despising him, wondering why she even hated him so much to begin with. Was he going through the same quandary and doubt? She didn't know and that drove her crazy.

Finally the music started to die out. Whether people were dancing or watching, all eyes were once again on the exorcists. They now stood face to face, their hearts beating faster than ever. Neither of them were thinking, they were in the heat of the moment, slowing leaning in.

'What I want...'

Suddenly a crashing sound echoed throughout the hall and everyone began screaming and panicking. What was about to be a moment of truth, turned into chaos.

¤¤¤To be continued¤¤¤

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