¤Episode 6: Saying Goodnight¤

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"It's the third floor?" (Y/N) asked, Kanda nodded in response. She pushed the button that was labeled with the number three and stayed silent as the elevator began to ascend.

They got off the elevator and turned right, as instructed in order to reach their room. Kanda stretched and yawned as he walked.

"Today was...eventful." He said.

"Sure was." (Y/N) reached the door and Kanda handed her the key. With a click, the door was open and the two walked in, only to be disappointed. The room was beautifully decorated and clean, and their bags didn't look as if they had been tampered with, the problem was something else. They expected it, but it still annoyed them.

"One bed..." Kanda said with a frown.

"Just throw down a pillow and a blanket and I'll sleep on the floor." (Y/N) shrugged it off and walked over to her bags.

"I can't let you do that."

"Why not?"


"Oh wow, what a great explanation."

"Hey, I'm trying to be nice here."


"Why is that such a surprise? I've been nice to you."

"Only after I yell at you. Plus you're only being nice because you have to be, for now anyways. I'm sure when we get back to the black order things will go back to how they were. But now we're behind closed doors so you can drop the act."

"Then you like me being mean to you?"

"I didn't say that..."

"So let me de nice." (Y/N) was taken back by Kanda's attempt at being kind to her, all she could do was stare at him. Kanda grabbed his bag and headed towards the bathroom.

"I'm gonna get changed."

"Okay..." The bathroom door closed. (Y/N) took a seat in a nearby chair, she was in deep thought, coming to the realization that Kanda may actually be a decent human being. Shortly after, the bathroom door swung open and Kanda stepped out. (Y/N) had never seen him out of uniform, it was a sight that she didn't mind seeing.

"Aren't you gonna get changed too?" (Y/N) snapped back to reality.

"Y-yeah." She grabbed her things and walked past Kanda to get to the bathroom.

The nightgown she brought with her was bit short to be considered a gown. (Y/N) had only realized that after putting the garment on, and was now afraid to let her partner see her this way. She was thinking of what she could do to solve this when she heard a sudden knock at the door.

"You okay? You've been in there for awhile." Kanda leaned close to door waiting for a response.

"I'm fine." She said in a timid voice.

"Huh, I knew it took women a long time to get ready to go out...hence why you made us late for the first train...but we're about to go to bed for crying out loud." (Y/N) kicked the door, making Kanda jump back a little.

"You we're early and I'm already dressed."

"Then what are you still doing in there?"


"Then I'm coming in."

"No Kanda wai-" Kanda had already pushed the door open before she could finish her sentence. He gazed at her figure. Because he was so use to seeing her in a pair of shorts, her long uniform jacket, and kombat boots, he never noticed (Y/N)'s stunning body. The longer he stared, the more red his face became. He silently closed the door again, remaining on the other side.

"...Why are you wearing that?"

"Look, if I had known where we'd be going for this mission, we wouldn't be in this situation right now."

"Fair enough." He slowly opened the door again, offering his hand.

"I've seen you now so, you might as well come out." (Y/N) nodded and took his hand, following him out the room and to the bed. Her heart was pounding, she wanted it to stop.

Kanda awkwardly let go of her hand and pushed back the blanket to pull the thin sheet off the bed. He layed on the floor and made himself comfortable on the carpet.

"Hand me a pillow." (Y/N) picked up a pillow and dropped it on his head. She giggled to herself as she climbed onto the mattress. Suddenly she felt something soft hit her back, she turned around, only to find Kanda sleeping.

"Nice try."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just trying to sleep, you should do the same." He turned away from her.

"Then why aren't you using the pillow I just handed you?"

"Because you touched it. It's tainted now."

"You told me to hand it to you!" Only snoring could be heard from Kanda, and it was obviously fake. (Y/N) smiled to herself while shaking her head. She once again picked up the pillow and threw it at the raven haired male, then made herself comfortable to drift to sleep. Softly speaking as she closed her eyes, she said.

"Goodnight, Kanda." She said it with no expectations of a response, but a moment later Kanda's voice broke the silence.

"Goodnight." He too, was smiling to himself.

¤¤¤To be continued¤¤¤

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