¤Episode 9: Over Thinking¤

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The hall looked grand and expensive, as well as all the people in it. Their was a sea of people and as usual, no one was alone. The exorcists stepped in. Kanda's navy suit matching his hair and the jewels that hung on (y/n)'s neck and ears sparkled.

A staircase lead the way down to the party just like in the Cinderella tale. (Y/N) walked slowly between her escort and the railing, being very careful not to fall down the stairs in front of so many people. Especially because she knew Kanda would never let her live it down. Kanda on the other hand was holding (Y/N)'s hand, a bit nervous because of the large crowd and anticipating an akuma attack.

At last, they make it down the steps. It was then when they realized all eyes were on them, everyone from the dance floor to the buffet stared at the couple. They were overwhelmed and didn't know what to do. Suddenly

"Oh my gosh, I remember you guys!" It was the girl from the train station. She was just as hyper as when they first met.

"You're the ones that had the matching outfits and now look at you, you guys are just too cute!" The stern young man standing next to her, clearly being her partner, put a hand on her shoulder.

"You get excited way too easily. Come on, wouldn't want to bother the nice couple by talking their ears off." The man leads her away as she continues to talk. (Y/N) waves to them as they walk off into the crowd of people.

"Wow, you're a piece of work, but at least you aren't like that. I feel bad for her boyfriend." Kanda says.

"Shut up. You're a piece of work too ya know."

"And yet we've managed to get along for awhile. We've come a long way."

"I guess we have." (Y/N) says with a laugh.

"So what do we do now?" Kanda asked looking around.

"Enjoy the party and be ready for an attack."

"That's going to be difficult..."

"Oh you'll be fine. Why don't we go-"

"We should probably split up. It's a big hall, akuma have a lot of room to reek havoc."

"Oh y-yeah, of course." (Y/N) got a strange feeling at the idea of splitting up.

"Something wrong?"

"Not at all. I'll go left, you go right." They gave a nod to one another before going their separate ways.

"Be careful." Kanda's words could barely be heard over the large crowd of people, but it was enough to make (Y/N) look back, only to see his ponytail swaying as he walked away.

She walked back up the stairs toward the entrance and turned left, as promised. A pair of glass doors led to a balcony and (Y/N) took rest on the ledge, thinking.

'What's going on with me? It's not like Kanda wanted to be here. And it's not like I even wanted to be here either. I guess the romantic atmosphere of this city is making me wish I had what everyone else has, and with Kanda of all people! Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.'

(Y/N) thought of all times they would bicker back at the black order, when Komui gave them the disappointing news that they'd be working together, the arguments, the sarcasm; she rolled her eyes and shook her head. The time they held hands, and when she'd been in his arms, the kissing, his laugh...his smile; her heartbeat progressed faster and she couldn't help but grin. The daydream was cut off.

"Just as I thought." (Y/N) turned around hearing a familiar voice.

"You're dozing off here instead of watching for akuma." The voice belonged to Kanda, standing with his arms crossed. (Y/N) spoke in defense.

"W-well you're neglecting your duties by coming here to scold me instead of watching the right side." And so another argument began.

"Haha, you're not wrong. Anyway I came to get you." Or not.

"What for?" (Y/N) asked with intense curiosity.

"I'm tired of having to explain to others why you aren't with me. Guess I can't be a prince without my princess." (Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat, she was speechless.


"Why are you getting so awkward? It was only a joke, I was expecting a comeback." Of course it was, there's no way he'd truly consider (Y/N) HIS princess. But it's her conflicting feelings that are causing her to act differently. Kanda notices she's still having trouble responding.

"What's up with you (Y/N)?"

"I need to make something clear between us." Kanda raised an eyebrow.

"Everything that's happened between us, it's just for the mission right?" He seemed taken back after being put on the spot so suddenly.

"Y-yeah...of course."

"Even the necklace?"

"The ne...that was just because I was able to get it at a good price. Look, I'm here only because I have to be. You're over thinking things."


'But why does a part of me wish he was lying?'

Kanda turned away from her.

"I'm going back to my post."

"I thought you wanted me with you."

"No, don't worry about it. Let's just get this mission over with already." His tone was different, (Y/N) noticed this. It wasn't angry like when they first arrived to the city, and wasn't cheerful the way it had been more recently either, it was more of a disappointed tone...almost sad.


'What the hell am I getting upset over? Of course this is only for the mission. There's no way she'd...like me.' Kanda shook his head, recalling another thought.

'And I don't like her either!'

As he made his way through the crowd, couples stared at him.

'Damn, I can't wait to get out of this stupid city.'

He leaned against the wall and watched how the couples danced together, ate together, laughed together, a hint of jealousy was in his eyes. Unable to take anymore, Kanda got off the wall and headed back into the crowd. He looked around for anything suspicious.

¤¤¤To be continued¤¤¤

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