Chapter 26

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I can't help but to smile at Austin, he smiles back and he lets Logan down. Logan walks out of the room now it's just me and Austin. We start to unpack our stuff, me and Austin share the same drawer. Which his kinda awkward cause he'll see my underwear and bras...

"Cute." he winks, as I put my poke-o-dot bra in the drawer, I lightly punch him in the shoulder and laugh. When we finished unpacking we both fell back on the bed.

"Wanna go for a walk?" he asks.

"Yeah." I smile, we both put our shoes on and walk downstairs.

"Where you to love birds going?" Austin's aunt asks.

"To fly north." he says, I can't help but to laugh at his joke.

"Funny." she says laughing.

"No we are going for a walk for a while." Austin answers.

"Alright." she says, we walk outside and I take my phone out, it's already 7:15 Austin grabs ahold of my hand and our fingers entwine and we keep walking.

I keep looking at the ground, when I when I look up we are at a pond with a deck. Austin leads us over and we sit down on it.

"We are gunna watch the sun set." he says.

"Sounds romantic." I say giggling.

"It's suppose to be." he says pulling me on his lap. Our fingers intwine again and our foreheads together.

I smile at him before I speak. "Can I admit something?" I ask.

"Of course." he says chuckling.

"I like you." I admit, his smile gets bigger. "But I kinda don't wanna date anyone right now." I tell him.

"I understand. I can wait." he smiles, showing his perfect teeth. "Anything for you." he whispers, sending chills down my spine. His lips press to the skin below my ear, I gasp and let go of his hands and my arms go around his neck.

Austin chuckles, then continues sucking on the skin on my neck. He lets go and my fingers rub the mark he had just left on my skin, he smirks at me and then hugs me tight.


We walked back and now we are laying in bed.

"Wanna watch a movie?" he asks.

"MmK, lets see here..." he says. "Grown Ups 2?" he asks.

"Yeah yeah." I laugh, he chuckles and puts the movie in the DVD player, he grabs the remote and then tosses it next to me. I watch Austin as he slides his pants down. Now he's in his boxers, I really can't help but to stare.

Austin lays next to me and then covers us up, I cuddle up to him and then we watch a movie.


I wake up to Austin lightly snoring, his mouth open a little bit, I can't help but to giggle. But when I giggle I wake him up, he raises a brow then smiles at me. We get up out of bed and go in the living room and go in the kitchen to eat breakfast, we each have cinnamon toast crunch.

Once we finish eating we go back in the room.

"Wanna go to the park, we can play basketball.. We haven't in a while..." he says.

"Sure." I say.

"K." he says, we grab our clothes. austin literally changes right in front of me, then puts his spapback on. I shrug my shoulders and change in front of him. Austin starts to stare as I take my pants off. I quickly put my skinny jeans on, but I had some troubles. I take my shirt off and Austin stares again, I put my shirt on the brush my hair.

We go in the bathroom then brush out teeth. We get a basketball then leave.


We get to the park and some other guys are there, when we walk in the fence the guys start staring at me. Austin gives them a evil glare and we take the other side of the court.

"Wanna shoot?" he asks me, I nod and he tosses me the ball. I catch it and dribble it to the half line. I aim at the hoop and shoot. Swish! The ball goes into the hoop.

"Wow you're pretty good." one of the guys behind me said. I turn around and he's walking towards me smirking at me. I back up and Austin moves me behind him.

"Back off dude, she's mine." he growls.

"Pf, you look weak and you have a broken nose, I can tell." he says chuckling. That's why Austin took the bandage off, so he wouldn't get made fun of.

"Yeah right." Austin says.

"I don't think a hot girl like her would like a gay looking guy and also ugly guy like you." he says.

"He's serenely not ugly, and he's not gay!" I say standing up for him.

"And she's beautiful not hot." Austin says through his teeth, and I know he means it. Which makes me smile.

"I'll give you $60 if I can have her for the night." he winks at me.

"You gotta be kidding me." Austin says backing up then punching him square in the face. He falls back then groans, his friends run at Austin but I trip both of them. Austin laughs at what I have done. The guy gets up and grabs my wrist, he starts running away with me.

Austin starts to chase him with an angry look on his face. I take my other hand and rip his hand off my wrist then I jump on his back making him fall on the ground. Austin kicks him in the leg then he pulls me up, he wraps his arms around me then kisses me on the forehead.

"I hope what you just saw doesn't make you think differently about me." he says, I shook my head no. Something grabs my ankle and I take my other foot and step on his wrists.

We begin to walk away but Austin says one more thing to them. "Oh by the way fellas, I wouldn't give her away for a night for a million dollars." he tells them as he puts his arm on my shoulder and kisses my cheek. I can't help but to smile.


Hey I'm so freaking sorry if this chapter is short, tomorrow if Friday I can work on fanfics for a while and I'll make the chapter pretty long! 606 READS❤️❤️ I feel pretty good, can this update get me 650 or more? that would be great. thanks guys love you!

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