Chapter Five

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        It's finally Friday, I love Fridays because well no school and also because I go to my work. I work on the weekends. I love my job because I work at a thrift store, my boss and the little old ladies are really nice to me. Its great cause I don't have to face kids my age much just sweet middle aged or old people. Ive worked there since I was sixteen. Although, the job interview freaked me out a little since I don't like people asking me personal questions. I get payed every Sunday and its great since my parents don't buy me anything, they just supply me with the necessities I have to buy myself the rest. I hurried did my makeup and got dressed, soon I was on my way to school.


               The whole day was just like any other school, dozing out my teachers and Karen's taunts. By lunch time I couldn't decide if I should go to lunch or the library. I decided I wasn't too hungry so I went to the library. I spent the whole lunch time just day dreaming and just thinking. I hear the bell ring and get up to hand the librarian the laptop back. I walk out of the room and go to my locker. I grab what I need for my next class and start walking down the hall. While I go down the hall I see Tyler walking, but he's walking with some boys. They must have not cared about what Karen said, because they look like they've become friends. Wait, is that Tony? Tyler has become friends with Brian's old best friend? That's weird. Oh well, he seems really happy. I'm just glad he finally has some friends and someone to sit with at lunch. He passes by me gives me a smile, I smile back and he continues on. I'm really happy that he isn't going to be treated like me. I continue to walk and crash into somebody really hard.

"Oh My god ! watch where you're going, go get your eyes checked" I hear Karen's voice, I snap out of my thoughts and return back to reality.

"Oh sorry it was my bad" I say scared I hear people laughing so I run into my class. Great now Karen ruined my mood, like always.

***Karen's p.o.v***

"Oh here comes Alesana, I'm going to embarrass the stupid whore so she can turn red like a tomato" I say to one of my best friends, Cloe.

"Oh my god yes! It's so hilarious when she turns red, it seems like she's going to explode" Cloe says laughing. I stare at her waiting for her to get closer. She's smiling, what is she smiling about? Oh it looks like somebody has a little crush on the ugly ass new kid. Well I guess I should get involved. I make a mental note on it so I can work on that later. She seems like she isn't really paying attention to her surroundings so I stand almost in front of her way.

"Oh My god ! watch where you're going, go get your eyes checked" I yell at her as he realizes what just happened, she looks up at me and I see her eyes switch into a scared look. I hear my friends Cloe, Mitchell, Amanda,and Lissa burst into laughter.

"Oh sorry it was my bad" She says as she turns red. She runs around me and into her classroom. I turn around with a smirk on my face and feel accomplished.

"Did you see her face? Oh my god it was priceless" I tell my friends.

***Alesana's p.o.v***

The bell rings saying that school is over. Finally. I stop at my locker and walk out the building. The cold air hits my face and I see my breath in the air. The suns getting lower and the sky looks cloudy. I make my way to the little thrift shop.


        Today has been a slow day just a couple costumers.

"Oh Alesana, honey" I hear a soft voice say, "The radio said there will be a snow storm coming soon, and I know you go home walking so I suggest you should go home early?" She asks. Oh what a sweet heart. I smile back and nod.

"Thank you Mrs. Bloom" I say as I grab my hoodie from the hook and put my beanie on. I walk outside and see tiny pieces of snow falling slowly and gently. It's almost pitch dark outside. I look at the time from my phone, its only 6'o clock, I usually come out of work at 9. I finally get home feeling my cheeks going numb, and watery eyes from the cold. I get home and unlock he door, I go up to my room to change into more comfortable clothes. As i go up the stairs I hear my dad In his room sounding a little angry. I lean towards the door to figure out what's going on. 

"No I haven't received my foster care check this week" My father says. Foster care check? What the hell is he talking about?

"Alright her name is Alesana... Uh we adopted her when she was uh, umm.. two? on april 17 1998"

"Alright thank you very much" My dad says sounding as if he hung up. What? what? whaat? No I cannot even believe this. They aren't my real parents? They're my Foster parents? I'm adopted?                                                          


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